Saturday, September 28, 2013

ADOLPH HITLER: The Real Father of Universal Health Care

ADOLPH HITLER: The Real Father of Universal Health Care
Otto von Bismarck, the Chancellor of Germany and a dictator in his own right, started socialized healthcare in 1883 with the Reichsversicherungsverordnung or Reich Insurance Act. However, only certain segments of the society were insured at that time. It was Adolf Hitler, who actually imposed socialized healthcare on the entire German population, as a part of nazification of the healthcare industry, and for that reason he should rightly be called the *real* father of universal healthcare. This collective universal healthcare concept was called “racial hygiene.” This is history that people have largely forgotten, because it is inconvenient for many to remember it.

Hitler also literally rolled out, via panzer, his now universal healthcare to occupied France, Belgium and the Netherlands — those countries with mainly “Aryan” populations. Hitler put universal healthcare in place in those very countries that he wished to aryanize and perfect by eliminating physical/mental defects in the populations via sterilization and medical killing.

The point is that universal healthcare gives any Government enormous power that can be misused, if the wrong people are in control, not that it is adminstered the same now as in Nazi Germany. This is too much power to centralize in the hands of the Government, because governments sometimes go bad.  The first mass murders of the Holocaust were carried out in the socialized German hospitals and the techniques for mass murder were developed there. Several hundred thousand handicapped and mentally ill persons were murdered in Hitler’s universal healthcare system. Retarded and mentally ill children were euthanized and the T4 project did the same for handicapped, mentally ill and elderly adults. In his orders permitting medical killing, Hitler called them “mercy killing” and “lives not worth living.” In this way Germany produced great savings in healthcare, not only due to the extermination of existing patients, but many ill persons (and their families) became afraid to even check into the hospitals.

Robert Jay Lifton, author of “The Nazi Doctors, points out that the extermination of the Jews and others of different ethnic groups was itself seen as a medical solution, a medical procedure for the collective healing of the Aryan race by elimination of the Jewish infection of Aryan blood. So, the entire Holocaust can be seen as an extension of Hitlercare. From that point of view, it is estimated that about 10 million people were murdered under Hitlercare, including six millions Jews. The Nazi plan was ultimately to exterminate about 25 million Jews and Slavs in Eastern Europe in fulfillment of the so-called “racial hygiene” principle of the the German universal healthcare system.

Because resources are limited, the concept of Universal Healthcare requires the Government to make decisions on the distribution of healthcare that will determine the survivability of different groups in society. That is, the welfare of the collective and government priorities are placed above that of the rights of any individual.

Once you have given the Government that much power, there is no natural barrier between you and the Holocaust of the Nazis. It is only a matter of degree, of how far they want to take this concept that social welfare trumps individual rights. This is the inherent evil of universal healthcare. It gives Government the right to decide life and death for entire classes of society, as opposed to individuals contracting for their own healthcare. This is why Hitler liked universal healthcare so much that he imposed it on conquered countries, not because he was so concerned for the well being of the subjected peoples, but because it gave him the right over entire classes of people to decide, who lives and who dies. It gave him the power to engineer the composition of society to his own malicious requirements. Entire classes of people can be killed — or, allowed to die — with no judicial process being necessary. (This is death panels on steroids.)

This is also the reason that Obama and others in the Government want universal healthcare so desperately. The socialist elite need to be able to ignore the rights of the individual to engineer their new utopian society. For that purpose, the same kind of centrally-controlled healthcare system that Hitler used is required.

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