Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Radical Left Quotes on Brett Kavanaugh – Bringing America Together

The Radical Left Quotes on Brett Kavanaugh – Bringing America Together

“In selecting Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court, President Trump has put reproductive rights and freedoms and health care protections for millions of Americans on the judicial chopping block. ... I will oppose Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination with everything I have, and I hope a bipartisan majority will do the same.” — Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.

“He would tip the balance of the Supreme Court even more against workers’ rights, civil rights, and women’s rights for decades to come.” — Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., a potential 2020 presidential contender.

“President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh will be a rubber-stamp for an extreme, right-wing agenda pushed by corporations and billionaires.” — Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.

“With a subservient Republican Congress and a far-right Supreme Court, there is a real risk that the worst impulses of the Trump presidency will go unchecked.” — No. 2 Senate Democratic leader Richard Durbin of Illinois.

“This is a nominee who wants to pave the path to tyranny.” — Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.

"If Kavanaugh is confirmed, we could see progress rolled back on many issues including the right of women to make their own medical decisions, voting rights, rights of workers to organize for better wages and working conditions, the principle of equal justice under the law & more." — Sen. Corey Booker, D-N.J

"If confirmed, American citizens will hemorrhage basic rights, and corporations will have an open door for a hostile takeover."— Tom Steyer, billionaire Democratic financier.

"A woman's right to choose is on the line, LGBTQ rights could be rolled back, affordable health care could be brought down, fair housing, consumer protections and environmental protections could all be decimated."— JB Pritzker, Democratic candidate for Illinois governor.

“This nomination as a destructive tool on a generation of progress for workers, women, LGBTQ people, communities of color & families, and to radically reverse the course of American justice and democracy."— House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

"OK Ladies and Gentlemen who care for and respect ladies, it is official. The move back to Medieval Values, Shariah Law even, where old, bitter men get to tell women what is best for their bodies, lives, and well being is as done a deal as this is Twitter. Unless we say NO! NO!" — Ron Perlman

"Brett Kavanaugh is a true Second Amendment radical. He believes assault weapon bans are unconstitutional, a position way out of the judicial mainstream, far to the right of even late Justice Scalia."— Sen. Chris Murphy

"With a Justice Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, we could see reversals of hard-won gains securing equal opportunity in education, employment and housing. We could see further exclusion of communities of color from participation in our democracy. We could see racism continue to flourish within the criminal justice system. We could see the elimination of effective tools for proving discrimination."— NAACP statement.

"In selecting Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court, Donald Trump has put reproductive rights and freedoms and health care protections for millions of Americans on the judicial chopping block."— Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

"The nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh will threaten the lives of millions of Americans for decades to come and will morph our Supreme Court into a political arm of the right-wing Republican Party."— Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

"If Brett Kavanaugh survives the confirmation process, he will rapidly advance a fringe right agenda on the court that will accelerate plutocratic control of our economy and politics, actively undermine the steps our country must take towards greater racial equity, and directly lead to the deaths of countless women with the dismantling of abortion rights."— Jim Dean, chairman of Democracy for America.

"If Trump gets what he wants here what's the court gonna look like the next 30 years? We're looking at a destruction of the Constitution of the United States." Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif.

Friday, October 5, 2018

A Brilliant Jurist Remarks About The Democrat Lynching of Kavanaugh

Brett Kavanaugh Opening Statement Excerpts

Since my nomination in July, there’s been a frenzy on the left to come up with something, anything to block my confirmation. Shortly after I was nominated, the Democratic Senate leader said he would “oppose me with everything he’s got.” A Democratic senator on this committee publicly referred to me as evil. Evil. Think about that word. And said that those that supported me were “complicit and evil.” Another Democratic senator on this committee said, “Judge Kavanaugh is your worst nightmare.” A former head of the Democratic National Committee said, “Judge Kavanaugh will threaten the lives of millions of Americans for decades to come.”

But I would say to those senators: Your words have meaning. Millions of Americans listened carefully to you. Given comments like those, is it any surprise that people have been willing to do anything to make any physical threat against my family?

Some of you were lying in wait and had it ready. This first allegation was held in secret for weeks by a Democratic member of this committee and by staff. It would be needed only if you couldn’t take me out on the merits. When it was needed, this allegation was unleashed and publicly deployed over Dr. Ford’s wishes.

This whole two-week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit, fueled with apparent pent-up anger about President Trump and the 2016 election, fear that has been unfairly stoked about my judicial record, revenge on behalf of the Clintons and millions of dollars in money from outside left-wing opposition groups.

Those that make allegations always deserve to be heard. At the same time, the person who is the subject of the allegations also deserves to be heard. Due process is the foundation of the American rule of law. Due process means listening to both sides.
