Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Liberal Con of America Explained!

The Liberal Con of America Explained!

Liberals are adept at twisting the truth to fit their political agenda and ignoring facts that do not support that agenda. In political campaign after campaign, liberals cast themselves in the image of the party of compassion. They deceitfully use envy to promulgate class warfare in the name of fairness. Further, aided and abetted by left-leaning journalists and media outlets, liberals falsely impute negative concepts such as “corporate greed,” “religious intolerance,” “war mongering,” and “environmental pollution” to conservatives and then demand that they defend these topics. Too often, conservatives allow liberals to put them on the defensive in this way. Ironically, solutions that liberals propose to social problems in America are anything but vote getting solutions to symptoms, not problem elimination.

Their never-ending attempts at social engineering by government fiat not only fail to solve
America's social and economic problems, they prolong and perpetuate them. For example, consider the left’s so-called war on poverty—a war the government has been losing since the Lyndon Johnson administration. The net result of the government’s various anti-poverty programs is that they have not only failed to end poverty, they have actually increased it and created a permanent under-class of people living in financial slavery to government entitlement programs. The left’s misnamed “antipoverty programs” have achieved little other than creating bloated bureaucracies in the federal and state governments that American taxpayers are expected to finance at ever increasing levels.

The time has come to set the record straight and to stop allowing liberals to place conservatives on the defensive. For too long liberals have caused problems with their left wing policies and then deceitfully blamed the problems on conservatives. This is the big lie concept in politics, a strategy that can be effective when the press and media are on your side. But truth has a way of eventually rising to the surface. Unfortunately, liberals have tipped the scales so far in the wrong direction that America cannot afford to sit back and wait for truth to eventually win out. Conservatives need to facilitate the process. It is time for conservatives to stand up and speak out—to require liberals to accept the con and Demolishing sequences of their left wing beliefs and policies.

Conservatives must be prepared to enact real and lasting solutions to the problems facing the American people notwithstanding the political posturing, self-serving rhetoric, and overblown hyperbole of the left.

Conservative solutions to America’s most pressing problems must be explained in plain, unadorned language. It must be communicated in a way to help people understand conservative positions, defend those positions, and refute the big lies of liberals on the following issues:
• Reducing poverty and homelessness without taxes
• Improving education and cutting costs
• Improving healthcare and saving money
• Ending racism and giving everyone a chance to achieve the American dream
• Ending war for good
• Debunking the fallacy of corporate greed
• Supporting gun ownership
• Ending abortion and same-sex marriage
• Freedom of religion, not freedom from religion
• Harvesting natural resources and protecting the environment
• Debunking the claim that “Jesus was a Liberal”

Thinking Americans who want a peaceful and prosperous nation must understand the above. But knowing the Liberal Con is not enough. Americans need to stand up and speak out for our country. As the Occupy Wall Street protest phenomenon has shown, too many Americans who have been pampered by the fruits of a free-market economy now, ironically, think socialism is a superior system. The battle against left wing thinking has two elements:
1)     Speaking out against left wing policies promulgated by liberals who are determined to transform our country into the United Socialist States of America, and

2)     Educating ignorant, indoctrinated Americans who are susceptible to deceitful liberals who are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Friday, August 19, 2016

20th Amendment Clears the Air!

20th Amendment Clears the Air!

For those claiming some sleight of hand may land Obama for another term, please read your Constitution!

Section 3 of the 20th Amendment:
If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President. If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Obamacare Insurer Bailouts

Repeal and Replace Obamacare now!

Obamacare Insurer Bailouts: In an effort to win the support of health insurance companies during the debate over Obamacare, three “risk mitigation” provisions, also known as bailouts, were written into the bill to compensate health insurance companies for insuring high-cost consumers. These three bailouts include risk corridors, reinsurance, and cost-sharing subsidies.

The reinsurance provision, in particular, is the subject of the latest controversy surrounding Obamacare. As written, the reinsurance provision requires the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to collect, from 2014-16, $25 billion in “assessments” or taxes on employer-provided health-insurance plans and:

1.)    Reimburse the U.S. Treasury, i.e. taxpayers $5 billion for operating costs and then
2.)    Bail out health insurance companies. These assessments should be repealed along with the rest of Obamacare, but so long as they are current law, the resulting revenue should not be used to bail out insurance companies.

Instead of following the law, HHS illegally prioritized health insurance companies over taxpayers. This year, health insurance companies are set to receive $15.7 billion in bailouts while taxpayers will only receive $500 million of the $4 billion they are currently owed. Even the Congressional Research Service (CRS) acknowledges this action as a clear violation of law.

In an effort to stop the HHS from continuing to break the law, Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) and Representative Mark Walker (R-NC) introduced the Taxpayers Before Insurers Act (S. 2803 and H.R. 5904). If passed, this bill would “penalize HHS for illegally prioritizing big insurance companies ahead of taxpayers through the Affordable Care Act’s reinsurance program” by cutting “50 percent of HHS’s general department management fund unless the Secretary of HHS pays the full amount taxpayers are owed.

Obamacare has increased insurance premiums, raised taxes, restricted choice, and made hardworking Americans lose their doctors and health care plans, yet the Obama administration is dedicated to bailing out insurance companies. Obamacare must be fully repealed, but in the meantime, Congress should shut down the current avenues to bail out the insurance companies.
