Friday, August 29, 2014

Why penalize those who follow the rules?

Why penalize those who follow the rules?

I need some advice from Enquirer readers. What do I tell my relatives in Hungary who, for years, have been trying to emigrate to the United States to escape terrible living conditions and provide a better life for their families, only to be told, “Sorry, the quota for Eastern Europeans is filled. Get in line and wait”?
They followed all the rules and obeyed all the laws but are told “you can’t come,” yet they see thousands of people who illegally entered our country through a porous southern border now being considered for “a pathway to citizenship.”
They ask me, “Where did we go wrong? How can we enter the United States?” The only thing I can think to tell them is to go to Mexico, tell everyone you’re Latinos and sneak across the border. Any other suggestions?

Lewis J. Chizer,
College Hill
Letters to the Editor, Cincinnati Enquirer

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