Friday, August 29, 2014

Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State was a failure.

Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State was a failure.

Her policies emboldened our enemies and destabilized the Middle East.

And no crisis is more symbolic of her ineffective and flailing foreign policy than the rise of ISIS.

She championed arming the Syrian rebels, some of whom were allied with ISIS.

And she fully supported intervening in the Syrian civil war which could have led to ISIS snatching control of that country.

Fortunately the American people rose up and halted the march to war, but our nation must now contend with the threat of the Islamic State in Iraq.

Intervening without a care for the consequences was a staple of Hillary Clinton's foreign policy, and it only served to strengthen Islamic radicals and damage our interests.

You see, Syria wasn't the only country where Hillary Clinton demonstrated a lack of foresight in foreign policy.

It was "Hillary's War" in Libya that generated the chaotic situation which led to the murder of our ambassador in Benghazi.

With voices in both parties clamoring for more intervention in the Middle East, it's vital we learn lessons from past foreign policy decisions so America can confront the danger ISIS poses while acting in the best interest of America and our allies like Israel.

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