The pursuit of Constitutionally grounded governance, freedom
and individual liberty
is but one straight course, and that is to seek truth and pursue it
steadily." --George
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By Charles Krauthammer
if it takes a change to the law, the president should honor the commitment the
federal government made to those people and let them keep what they got.”
Bill Clinton, Nov. 12
So the former president asserts that
the current president continues to dishonor his “you like your plan, you can
keep your plan” pledge and calls for the Affordable Care Act to be changed, despite
furious White House resistance to the very idea.
Coming from the dean of the
Democratic Party, this one line marked the breaching of the dam. It legitimized the brewing rebellion of panicked Democrats
against Obamacare. Within hours, that rebellion went loudly public. By
Thursday, President Obama had been forced into a rear-guard holding
action, asking insurers to grant a one-year extension of current plans.
BY Gary North
We live in a nation that is run by
federal bureaucrats. There is almost nothing we can do to stop them from
interfering in our lives, other than through the courts. It is extremely
expensive to do this.
Let me give you a recent example.
The United States Supreme Court is hearing the case in which, if
upheld by the Court, the Congress of the United States will be authorized to
pass legislation that is inconsistent with the United States Constitution,
as long as the legislation is an extension of the treaty power.
Good scientific approaches should
converge on the truth. In secular origin-of-life studies, theories run
off in all directions, often crashing into one another.
By Audrey
“Every unpunished murder takes away something from the security of every
man’s life” ~Daniel
Webster, (American Statesman, Senator and Orator, 1782-1852)
Yes, the time is getting closer …
when Hillary throws her long-pointed hat into the Presidential ring: Flying
monkeys and all. But based on a recent 2-part article by Tami Jackson at, that expounds on the coincidental deaths of 47 people
associated with Hillary Clinton: Knowing Hillary may also be hazardous to your health.
Here’s just a few of those who were
unfortunate enough to have worked with the Clintons:
Barack Obama's announcement about the troubled healthcare law was the president
playing a dictator.
When the president had finished explaining his proposed change to Obamacare, which would allow individuals to keep their plans for another year, the president was doing two things: He's telling the insurance companies, as a dictator would, what they can and can't do or what they must or must not do, or what they have to and don't have to do. He is suggesting … that if you have your plan now and you like it, you can keep it for one more year so that you don't get any angrier at Democrats than you are now and vote against them next November.
When the president had finished explaining his proposed change to Obamacare, which would allow individuals to keep their plans for another year, the president was doing two things: He's telling the insurance companies, as a dictator would, what they can and can't do or what they must or must not do, or what they have to and don't have to do. He is suggesting … that if you have your plan now and you like it, you can keep it for one more year so that you don't get any angrier at Democrats than you are now and vote against them next November.
Barack Obama wasn't getting universal praise from Democrats Thursday for his
call for millions of canceled healthcare policies be restored. Liberal
lawmakers and activists criticized him for not holding firm on enforcing the
Affordable Care Act.
His decision to allow insurance companies essentially to ignore the law for a year and continue offering substandard coverage could end up costing him the support of the left, Politico reported.
His decision to allow insurance companies essentially to ignore the law for a year and continue offering substandard coverage could end up costing him the support of the left, Politico reported.
Speaking at a local school board
meeting earlier this month, a Tennessee high school senior issued a brief and
incredibly insightful address on the problems with Common Core standards. Ethan Young, a student at Farragut High School in Knox
County, Tenn., made his case as to why he believes the school district should drop the
new national education standards, a set of guidelines that were never voted on
by Congress, the Department of Education or by local or state governments.
“The president essentially bribed states
into implementation via ‘Race to the Top,’ offering $4.35 billion taxpayer
dollars to participating states, $500 million of which went to Tennessee,”
Young said.
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