Evolutionary Origin-of-Life Speculations
Contradict Each Other
Good scientific approaches should converge on the truth. In
secular origin-of-life studies, theories run off in all directions, often
crashing into one another.
Crystal power:
Nature News entertained an idea that RNA found ways to work
in ice crystals. Researchers at Cambridge created an RNA enzyme that worked
at freezing temperatures.” Ice could have aided the emergence of
self-replication in the prebiotic chemical world,” they said. New
Scientist rejoiced at the prospect: “If you thought life evolved in bubbling
hot springs, think again.” But Jack Szostak threw a snowball: the
created molecule cannot replicate itself. “I’m afraid we still have a
long way to go to get a self-replicating ribozyme.”
Seed bombs, take 2:
PhysOrg re-introduced a formerly discredited idea: “A new
look at the early solar system introduces an alternative to a long-taught,
but largely discredited, theory that seeks to explain how biomolecules
were once able to form inside of asteroids.” Tweaking the parameters
got it to work this time – but it only gets heat to the interior of the
asteroid. It doesn’t create biomolecules. “We’re just at the
beginning of this,” one of the researchers said. “It would be wrong to
assert that we’ve solved this problem.”
Coacervates, take
Remember Oparin’s old coacervates in the 1920s? They
were theoretical
bubbles in which the magic of life happened. Dutch researchers
publishing in PNAS
revisited coacervation as the creation of “artificial cell-like environment
in which the rate of mRNA production is increased significantly” –
provided they don’t have to explain the origin of the complex molecular
machines DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase.
Against impossible odds, origin-of-life researchers in Rome
got 83 molecular machines to self-assemble in fatbubbles, Live Science
reported. They don’t know how they did it. “It may be that these
particular molecules are suited to this kind of self-organization
because they are already highly evolved,” Andrew Bissette (U of Oxford)
wrote, but it’s likely some investigator interference overruled nature.
“An important next step is to see if similar, but less complex, molecules are
also capable of this feat.” For now, though, they surmise that “self-assembly
of molecular machines into simple cells may be an inevitable physical
process.” They didn’t say what the trapped machines did, or how they
could ever get out, or how DNA arrived inside to code for these machines in a
self-replicating system.
Solve the problem by creating a new word:
“Did auto-cells lead to life?” Astrobiology
Magazine asked. It depends. What’s an auto-cell? It’s a
new word that means autogenesis. What’s autogenesis? It’s
the spontaneous creation of order, got it? “Terrence Deacon, of
the University of California Berkeley, outlined in a recent talk how this step could
have taken place.” Deacon danced around the problems of entropy, the nature
of catalysts to fall apart in water, and the tendency for catalysts to “spill
out” of their auto-cells. Surprisingly, he pointed to the discredited
Martian meteorite photo of a worm-like structure as a possible auto-cell.
Crater bowls of
primordial soup:
A paleontologist tosses out deep sea vents, RNA worlds, Mars
and the other baggage as he “presents origin of life theory,” according
to Science
Daily. Sankar Chatterjee (Texas Tech) combines panspermia with
crater pools, and finds his Eureka moment. As asteroids pummeled the
earth in the Late Heavy Bombardment, “the large craters left behind not only
contained water and the basic chemical building blocks for life,
but also became the perfect crucible to concentrate and cook these
chemicals to create the first simple organisms.” Sankar
Chatterjee (Texas Tech) is so proud of his model, he indulged in
This is bigger than
finding any dinosaur,” Chatterjee said. “This is what we’ve all searched
for – the Holy Grail of science.”
He’s got it all worked out, with asteroids delivering not
only the RNA and proteins, but the lipids as well, then presto: cells.
“The emergence of the first cells on the early Earth was the culmination
of a long history of prior chemical, geological and cosmic processes.” Astrobiology
Magazine entertained this hypothesis with a picture of Chatterjee standing
by other dinosaurs.
Crater refugia: Nearly simultaneously, Iain
Gilmour from the UK proposed craters as “an abode for life.” PhysOrg and Astrobiology
Magazine entertained this idea without mentioning who got it first,
Chatterjee or Gilmour. But do pictures of crater lakes on the present
lively earth really support the hypothesis? It’s not really a hypothesis,
either, but a suggestion: Gilmour proposed that “the heat
generated from an asteroid impact could lead to a crater becoming a refuge
for life, or even a potential birthplace for life’s origin.” [but what
created the materials in the asteroids?]
Yer all wrong;
it’s clay:
Start over. Now Science
Daily says, “Clay May Have Been Birthplace of Life On Earth, New
Study Suggests.” Cornell is behind this one. “We propose
that in early geological history clay hydrogel provided a confinement
function for biomolecules and biochemical reactions,” their champion
said in Science
Daily. Sounds familiar; isn’t this an old idea? (see Evolution
News & Views). It is indeed, and it flies in the face of their
former Cornell colleague, Carl Sagan, who hypothesized that life began wet at
deep sea vents. This article is accompanied by a picture of cracked, dry
clay in a dried-up lakebed. Sagan didn’t explain how the lucky molecules
got concentrated; clay can do it. If you can concentrate the building
blocks of life, living cells with molecular machines must not be far
behind. The London
Daily Mail found Adam and Eve in this story somehow:
Was the Bible RIGHT
about the origins of life? Scientists believe that we may have had our
beginnings in CLAY.
- The Bible, the Koran and even Greek mythology has suggested for thousands of years that life began as earth, dust or clay
- New theory is that clay is a breeding ground for chemicals which it ‘absorbs like a sponge’ and eventually leads to proteins and DNA forming
One little problem remains: “How these biological
machines evolved remains to be explained,” the Science Daily article points
RNA World not dead
In Science
Daily, researchers at the University of Chicago noted that RNA makes up a
significant part of the spliceosome, a molecular machine that splices DNA
fragments into messenger RNA transcripts. Looking beyond this
observation, they divined a distant echo of a long lost RNA World.
Isn’t it wonderful to see so many ideas percolating in the
origin-of-life field? Doesn’t this illustrate an active, progressing
These ideas are mutually exclusive and incompatible.
They essentially falsify each other.
The “building blocks of life” can’t be cold and
hot at the same time.
They can’t be at deep sea vents and in asteroids
at the same time.
They can’t be dry and wet at the same
The metabolism-first and genetics-first
scenarios are mutually incompatible and impossible anyway.
Rather than illustrating a field converging on answers, these
contradictions reveal a paradigm in crisis. Out of desperation, evolutionists
are tossing around silly notions that cannot possibly work, individually or in
combination. The ideas are not percolating; they are fermenting, putting the
origin-of-life (OOL) Dar-winos into a drunken stupor.
What are we
expected to believe?
That an asteroid dug out a lava-hot crater,
which later filled with rainwater,
while some delicate RNA molecules cooking at a
deep sea vent launched into the crater by unknown lucky happenstance?
That the RNA became trapped with amino acids and
lipids left over from the impact, emerging as molecular machines inside
Whoops, we forgot that ribose can’t get wet, so
it must have gotten launched from Martian deserts into the crater when it was
drying up into cracked flakes of clay.
Uh-oh; the fatbubbles are death traps.
The molecules (even if they are all homochiral)
will decay and perish inside. They must have all self-organized so that
they could work before entropy set in.
The improbabilities at each step quickly multiply into
impossibilities when combined into any kind of sequence. Unless
one believes in some kind of mystical secular predestination, this is nuts.
It’s not going to happen in quintillions
of universes of habitable planets. But that’s only the beginning of
their worries.
None of the above
proposals answer the question:
Where did
biological information come from?
OOL charlatan dodges that all-important question with misdirection, chanting
“Abracadabra” with mythical “building blocks of life” as if Scrabble letters
will self-organize into a dictionary. Remember, even if “natural
selection” could preserve progress (it cannot), they can’t use the Darwin magic
wand until they have a highly accurate self-replicating system. That’s
not going to happen with a one-off lucky ribozyme in the best of RNA-world
scenarios. All the ingredients
for a genetic code, and the machinery to read and translate it, encased in a
cell with active transport, have to be present and working together from the beginning.
In 12 years of examining this stuff, no progress has been
made. In fact, the OOL field is regressing. Now, they are
reaching back to revive old notions that were long ago debunked, trying
to do CPR on mummies. Desperate to leap ahead into Charlie’s
world of tree-thinking, they have to get past this obstacle,
but it is a hurdle too high on their secular track, light-years high,
light-years wide, and light-years thick. Even that is an understatement
We repeat our contention that the secular origin-of-life
scenarios, with all their wish-fulfillment dreams and hopes, are the building
blocks of lie – typo intended.
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