Saturday, November 17, 2012

Choosing The right Lane To Travel

In pursuit of Constitutionally grounded governance, free markets and individual liberty
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"Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one." --Thomas Paine
USA Found Dead--Apparent Suicide!    By Luke Hamilton
JONESBAMATOWN, GUYANA) —The world was horrified last Wednesday to learn of the discovery of the entire United States of America, roughly 314 million people, dead in a remote commune in the jungles of South America’s obscure nation of Guyana.  The apparent cause of death: suicide! Shortly after the U.S. presidential election results were announced after 11:00 PM, Tuesday night, EST, local Guyanese residents began noticing foul odors and screaming coming from a giant communal compound, nicknamed “Jonesbamatown,” which had housed the President of the United States (Reverend Barack H. Jonesbama), his loyal followers and his “not so loyal” countrymen as well.   Eventually the commotion and smell drew the attention of Guyanese authorities, who stumbled upon the massively grim scene Wednesday morning.
There we were, amid the muck and the gore of the battlefield last Tuesday. Chaos swirling around us, the heat of the past four years of battles, culminating in this one decisive clash, as the two sides each strove to gain the upper hand. We had made great strides over the past few weeks. Once the object of scornful derision, our host had struck mighty blow after mighty blow against the Obama juggernaut and was consistently building momentum. The fear from the Obama tents was palpable, as the Romney rebellion gained steam and traction.

Finally, the time had come for us to finish it. The strategic framework was in place, the ground game was fully operational, and the public support was stirring. Mitt Romney turned towards his reserve forces, grabbed a standard from its fallen bearer, and waved to signal the reserve cavalry. Then he waved again. And again. And just as the Scottish nobles did to William Wallace at the Battle of Falkirk, Mitt’s cavalry turned and rode away when they could have struck the decisive blow in the penultimate struggle.

Now you might say, “Mitt Romney is no William Wallace” and I would have to agree with you. But the point remains. The support which he courted, by reassuring Catholics, Jews, and Christians that he would fight for and respect their religious rights, turned tail and fled. While Mitt was never the inspirational freedom fighter that William Wallace was (a broadsword might have helped), he was the man standing up to fight against the hordes of statist succubae enslaving our land. And like Wallace, he had no reason to suspect that his allies were not on board. None of us did. As the numbers from Election Day 2012 continue to be crunched, a stupefying picture is emerging. The very people whose beliefs and liberties have been assaulted throughout the past four years decided to lend their support to the person doing the assaulting.

We’ve now learned that approximately 52% of Catholic voters cast their ballots for the President who has started a war against the Catholic Church. Catholic adoption agencies and charities have been forced to close their doors and shutter their services in order to avoid complying with federal and state mandates to place children with same-sex couples. In 2013, Catholic employers will be forced to provide birth control and abortifacient-drugs in their health insurance offerings or pay millions of dollars in fines. Will they follow the path of the adoption agencies? The church has been told that private beliefs must remain that, private. And yet the people in the pew continue to support the man behind this assault.

It gets no better in other denominations, according to a Pew Forum exit-poll study, a full 42% of all Protestants (which includes evangelical Christians) voted for Obama. Despite the fact that the President has demonstrated his dangerous disdain for the nation of Israel and his nonchalance about the safety of the Israeli people, 69% of Jews voted for him. So what gives? Lords Mornay and Lochlan got their 30 pieces of silver for their betrayal of Wallace. What did these cowards receive for their vote last Tuesday?

In a word: salve. They received a social and emotional salve for their conscience. They were able to feel good about voting for the man who is going to make things “fair” for everyone. They didn’t have to support a man who was realistic about what it will take to get this country back on track to prosperity and liberty. That man doesn’t care about “fairness”; he cares about responsibility and liberty. And those aren’t comfortable concepts. So thousands and thousands of Catholics, Christians, and Jews cast their votes for a man who despises their worldview and is actively working to limit their liberties. It’s a bit like sitting on Death Row and arguing that the executioner’s axe is simply too sharp and that this whole “appeals process” seems to be a big waste of time.

Only in a culture with as much logical laxity as ours would such a situation even be tenable. It goes beyond Lenin’s “useful idiots” because the idiots in this case seem to be aware of the duplicity and they’ve made their choice. They would prefer feeling socially “enlightened” to taking a stand on the foundation of what they claim to believe.

On one hand, it is understandable. It’s damn near impossible to take a stand if you don’t have a spine. A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only taken a short cut to meet it. – JRR Tolkien
How Democrat Women Voted for the End of their Gender and Party By Gary North
For the most part Goldberg’s hysterical piece is about a woman’s right to abortion, you know, the killing of pre-born children. She sees abortion as the definition of what women’s liberation is all about. It’s no wonder that Ann Coulter calls abortion a “liberal sacrament.” While married, Goldberg seems to disdain the very idea of motherhood. In an interview, Goldberg described Ann Romney as “insufferable.” Goldberg compared the praise for motherhood similar to the way “authoritarian societies . . . give awards for big families. You know, Stalin did it, Hitler did it.” There you have it. If you praise those with large families (or children in general) – my mother is one of 12 and my father one of 11 – then you share a worldview that’s similar to that espoused by Josef Stalin and Adolf Hitler. Jane Fonda wrote in a similar way in a blog post that a “power struggle . . . has existed from the very beginning of the 120-year fight over reproductive rights. Every dictator — Stalin, CeauČ™escu, Hitler — has made anti-choice a central component of their agenda.” If Goldberg and Fonda get their way, in time there will be an end to the Democratic Party. They will contracept and abort themselves out of existence.  Most nations aren’t even at replacement levels. Italy is at historic lows as is japan. China’s one-child policy is upset the balance between males and females  Goldberg is supporting a form of self-genocide. Year after year the population of the Democratic Party will decrease. It will take some time, but the day may come when the Democratic Party will have its place in the Smithsonian as a political party of a bygone era that brought about its own destruction.
“Since the 1990s . . . Russia has been losing population at a rate of 750,000 a yearnot to emigration, but to death. By one count, the Russian population is down to 143 million. President Putin has predicted that only 124 million Russians will be alive in 2015. In 2000, the United Nations projected that, at its present birth rate, by 2050 Russia’s population would fall to 114 million.
In a 2005 study, the United Nations estimated that, together, Ukraine and Russia will lose 50 million people — 25 percent of their combined populations — by mid-century. The Slavs are dying out, and the geostrategic implications are enormous.”
We Got Socialized Medicine Because of Socialized Education  by Gary DeMar
If we are opposed to socialized medicine, socialized welfare, and socialized retirement, then why do we think the remedy is found in socialized education? Public education is government education. It’s paid for with other people’s money. One of the reasons so many people are in favor of government healthcare is because they have been conditioned to accept government retirement (Social Security), medical reimbursement (Medicare), and government education. We’ve had Socialism for decades. Americans are used to it. What’s one more government program? More than 90 percent of children are in government schools. Why are we surprised after at least 12 years of government education that they believe government is the source of all that’s good in the world? We have the freedom (at least at this point in time) to educate our children outside the control of government. Will it cost more money and time? Yes. We can pay now or we can pay later. Can you imagine what would happen if 50 percent of the people who voted for Mitt Romney took their children out of public schools and chose home education, some form of private education, or church sponsored schools? The Left would be crippled.
By the time we “recapture the public education of this country” it will be too late. Well intentioned people have been trying to save public schools for decades. The schools have only gotten worse teaching a worldview that is counter to everything we believe. Once again it’s the “gift” idea. People believe that government education is “free,” or at least discounted.
The Heavy Burden of ObamaCare
Now that the reality of Barack Obama's re-election is settling in, the U.S. economy is shifting and making the necessary adjustments to brace for four more agonizing years of Hope 'n' Change™. In the last 10 days, we've seen news of the fallout in everything from the stock market plummeting to jobless claims skyrocketing and the poverty rate spiking. Thanks to Obama's assault on job creators, the list of businesses announcing layoffs, cuts and closings is growing daily. But not to worry: Obama says the "private sector is doing fine."
Fiscal Cliff Standoff: Obama v. House
As America draws closer to toppling over the Fiscal Cliff, it seems the line has been drawn in the sand with President Barack Obama standing on one side demanding tax increases and the House of Representatives on the other offering alternatives.  The question everyone is asking and waiting to find out is which side will cross the line to prevent us from plummeting over the edge, or will both sides stand firm and let the nation cascade down into a full blown recession? Obama is once again sounding the call to increase taxes on those making $250,000 a year or more.  He insists that they need to pay more for their success.  Obama claims that his re-election was a mandate from the American people to raise taxes on themselves.  Hello?  Who in their right mind would believe that when we see so much wasted spending by the federal government?  Ryan stated:  “Speaker Boehner has outlined a bipartisan way forward to avoid the “fiscal cliff” and get our economy growing: common-sense entitlement reform coupled with pro-growth tax reform. We can find common ground on responsible spending restraint and greater revenue through economic growth, but we have yet to see either a serious plan or leadership from President Obama. Speaker Boehner and House Republicans have delivered both.” Senate Republicans are also joining the House in their effort to prevent any tax increase from taking place.  Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Minority Leader in the Senate has stated that they will not support any effort to raise taxes. Thus, the battle lines have been drawn.  Tax increases v. no tax increases.  Democrats v. Republicans.  Obama v. the House.  All the while, the good train America is speeding down the tracks toward the proverbial cliff at an alarming rate.  Will they be able to stop it in time or is it already too late?

If Every Food Stamp Recipient Voted For Obama, It Would Account For 75% Of His Total By Ron Meyer

f all 47 million food stamp recipients voted for President Obama, it would account for 75.4 percent of Obama's 62.3 million votes.  Harry Hopkins, FDR's close adviser who ran the non-defunct Works Progress Administration (WPA), once described Roosevelt's strategy as "tax & tax, spend & spend, elect & elect." He believed that if Roosevelt put everyone on the federal payroll, either through aid or federal jobs, that Roosevelt would never lose. FDR won four presidential elections in a row before his death removed him from office. Did Obama use his idol's model to win this election?
U.S. Postal Service on a ‘Tightrope’ Lost $15.9 Billion By Angela Greiling Keane
The U.S. Postal Service said its net loss last year widened to $15.9 billion, more than the $15 billion it had projected, as mail volume continued to drop, falling 5 percent. Mail sits at the U.S. Postal Service processing and distribution center in Merrifield, Virginia. Without action by Congress, the service will run out of cash on Oct. 15, 2013, after it makes a required workers compensation payment to the U.S. Labor Department and before revenue typically jumps with holiday-season mailing, Chief Financial Officer Joe Corbett said today. The service, whose fiscal year ends Sept. 30, lost $5.1 billion a year earlier. It announced the 2012 net loss at a meeting at its Washington headquarters. “We are walking a financial tightrope,” Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe said at the meeting. “Will we ever stop delivering the mail? It will never happen. We are simply too important to the economy and the flow of commerce.” The Postal Service uses about $250 million a day to operate and will have less than four days of cash on hand by the end of the fiscal year, Corbett said. The service is asking Congress to enact legislation before it adjourns this year that would allow the Postal Service to spread future retirees’ health-benefit payments over more years, stop Saturday mail delivery, and more easily close post offices and processing plants.   Next year’s loss forecast includes a $5.6 billion payment due to the U.S. Treasury for future retiree health benefits, Corbett told reporters after the meeting. The 2012 loss includes the $5.6 billion payment to the fund that the service defaulted on Sept. 30, and the previous year’s $5.5 billion obligation that was due Aug. 1 and also not paid. Because that year’s payment was deferred, the 2011 loss doesn’t include any pre- funding amount.
Intel officials unable to say who changed CIA talking points on Libya, lawmaker says
Former CIA Director David Petraeus stoked the controversy over the Obama administration's handling of the Libya terror attack, testifying that references to "Al Qaeda involvement" were stripped from his agency's original talking points -- while other intelligence officials were unable to say who changed the memo, according to a top lawmaker who was briefed. Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., told Fox News that intelligence officials who testified in a closed-door hearing a day earlier said they did not know who changed the talking points. He said they went out to multiple departments, including the State Department, National Security Council, Justice Department and White House. "I'd say it was somebody in the administration had to have taken it out," King told Fox News. "That to me, has to be pursued." 
Let’s Call Taxation What It Is: Theft by Gary DeMar
In Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, he said the following about slavery: “It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God’s assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men’s faces.” How is it morally justifiable to steal men and women, enslave them, and then put them to work for the benefit of others and then claim that God approves? He doesn’t. But these are millionaires. They can afford it. Kristol’s view, and that of so many others, is a form of “participatory budgeting.” Let’s let the people vote on taking more money from the productive (California’s Proposition 30) and then ask them how it should be spent. If people are given the legal option to take money from people so they get a piece of the action, of course they’re going to vote to do it. It’s better than robbing a bank because there are no criminal sanctions. In fact, it’s the law of the land, socially just, and “fair.” Imagine a law where you can empower people with guns to take money from the rich to give it to you. It’s a thief’s dream come true. The claim is made that if enough people vote for civil rulers that impose progressive tax rates then the confiscation is believed to be morally justified. At one time slavery was also justified by law and majority opinion. We’ve seen where that took us. We’re still paying the price for that form of legalized theft.
Dinosaurs Ate Birds by David Catchpoole
For years we’ve been hearing, from various authorities on evolution, that dinosaurs gave rise to birds. E.g.,
  • 1973, John Ostrom, writing in Nature journal, revives the dino-to-bird idea attributed to Charles Darwin’s friend Thomas H. Huxley: “Inasmuch as the Thecodontia include the most primitive as well as the most ancient archosaurs known, it is highly probable that all subsequent archosaurs (including birds) were derived from members of this order and a rapidly growing collection of primitive birds and advanced meat-eating dinosaurs. A reasonable assessment of the debate would have to conclude that it’s all over, including the shouting, in favour of dino-birds.”
  • 2005, John R. Horner: “If there are any people left who do not believe birds came from dinosaurs, I would put them in the same group as the Flat Earth Society.”
  • 2009, Xu Xing under the headline Feathered fossils prove birds evolved from dinosaurs, say Chinese scientists: “This fossil provides confirmation that the bird-dinosaur hypothesis is correct and supports the idea that birds descended from theropod dinosaurs, the group of predatory dinosaurs that include allosaurus and velociraptor.
  • 2011, Laurence Pringle in the book Billions of Years, Amazing Changes: “Some of the most exciting news about evolution today is that more and more of these ‘missing links’ are no longer missing. One example comes from the evolution of birds from dinosaurs—an idea suggested by Thomas Huxley, a friend of Charles Darwin. (A close look at the skeletons of a small dinosaur and a bird reveals that they have many features in common.)
A fossil of the theropod dinosaur Sinocalliopteryx gigas found in Liaoning, China, was sufficiently well preserved that researchers were able to make out its intact belly contents.6 They were able to see the last thing it had eaten—a bird dinner. As the bird had only been partially digested (indicating death of the Sinocalliopteryx had occurred not long after its last meal) the researchers were even able to identify the species of the bird: Confuciusornis sanctus. This was a bird “capable of powered flight”—and it had a beak as well.7
Hope & Huh?: One week later, more than 300,000 Ohio votes remain uncounted Byron York
The presidential election results in Ohio were close: According to still-unofficial figures from the Secretary of State, Barack Obama won the state with 2,690,841 votes to Mitt Romney’s 2,583,582 votes — a winning margin of 107,259 votes for the president.  In percentage terms, that is 50.18 percent of the vote for Obama, and 48.18 percent for Romney. But those numbers will change.  Remember when, before the election, many observers discussed the possibility the results could be decided by the large number of provisional ballots that might be cast in Ohio?  Well, those provisional ballots were cast, and they have not yet been counted. Neither have a significant number of absentee ballots.  Together, the number of uncounted ballots is larger than Obama’s margin of victory. According to the Secretary of State, there are 204,927 uncounted provisional ballots and 119,535 absentee ballots, for a total of 324,462 ballots.  That is roughly three times the president’s 107,259-vote winning margin.
Richard Trumka: This Whole Fiscal Cliff Thing Is Manufactured
During a speech today in Washington D.C., AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka called the looming debt disaster a “manufactured crisis” and said “there isn’t a fiscal cliff.” “There is no fiscal cliff,” Trumka says in prepared remarks to the National Mediation Board Conference in Washington on Thursday. “What we’re facing is an obstacle course within a manufactured crisis that was hastily thrown together in response to inflated rhetoric about our federal deficit.” Obama met with Trumka earlier this week, in addition to other far left leaders, to discuss economic policy. Apparently a $3500 tax increase on every family doesn’t serve as a “crisis” in Trumka’s opinion, not to mention the climbing $16 trillion debt and trillion dollar deficits posted every year since Obama took office.
House Committee Chair Probes Use of Taxpayer Funds To Push Affordable Care Act
Saying the Obama administration has refused to come clean about how it promoted the president’s signature health care law, the chairman of a key House committee issued a subpoena Wednesday demanding that the Department of Health and Human Services explain whether taxpayer funds were used to put the Affordable Care Act in a positive light. Rep. Dave Camp, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, said the Obama administration has “repeatedly stonewalled” the committee’s requests for information related to news reports that HHS spent millions of taxpayer dollars on pro-Obamcare websites and television commercials. “The lack of response leads me to believe that this administration is either unwilling to disclose why they are using taxpayer dollars to market their unpopular law or are unable to keep track of how those taxpayer dollars are being spent,” the Michigan Republican said in a press release. “Either way, the American people deserve to know where their hard-earned money is going.”
Bolton: Administration's 'Passivity' Sends Signal, 'You Can Kill Americans With Impunity'
Two months after the terror attack in Benghazi, there's been "no retribution, no retaliation, no visible action by the United States against those who murdered four American citizens," and that sends a dangerous signal, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton told Fox News on Thursday: "Now, maybe there's something the administration has in the works, one of the rare national security secrets they've been able to keep. But the signal in the Middle East and beyond is, you can kill Americans with impunity. And that is a lesson, once learned, it's going to cause consequences that reverberate down the years."  Peace through strength is not a euphemism.  It is the only thing thugs, terrorists and dictators respond to.  If you don't believe so, look at the failure of the past four years to understand the aggression that has started and will undoubtedly continue.  No retribution, consequences to follow!

Obama: ‘I Don’t Believe People Should Be Able To Own Guns’
Laura Ingraham interviewed gun rights advocate John Lott. He recounted a conversation with then-Senator Obama who told Lott: “I don’t believe people should be able to own guns.” Listen
Petraeus: CIA Knew Benghazi Attack Was Terrorism
A congressman says David Petraeus is telling lawmakers he believed all along that the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya was a terrorist attack. The former CIA chief is testifying behind closed-doors before the congressional intelligence committees. It's his first Capitol Hill appearance since resigning last Friday over an extramarital affair. Republican Rep. Peter King tells reporters after the House hearing that Petraeus focused his remarks on Libya. Lawmakers say Petraeus told them that CIA talking points written after the attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans referred to it as a terrorist attack. But Petraeus says that reference was removed by other federal agencies that made changes to the CIA's draft. King, who spoke to reporters after Petraeus testified before the House Intelligence Committee, said the talking points are the focus of questioning now.

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