Saturday, October 17, 2020

Liberals, Socialist and Conservatives

 Liberals, Socialist and Conservatives

I cannot ignore the left’s behavior of late. I will bring one issue forward for your consideration that is at once instructive, but at the same time confounding.

As much as it has become politically popular for the left to resurrect the South with regards to Slavery and the Civil War that followed the behavior and thinking of these very people is much like the South regarding slavery.

The overarching similarity is that if the Constitution and the Republican form of government is agreeable to them, they accept it as the sovereign document and national form of governance. However, if they disagree, then they are inclined to want to destroy the today's Government. That is to destroy the Government to enable them to construe and enforce the Constitution as they see fit on all points. This is exactly what the Southern/slave sates did leading up to the Civil War.

The resemblance is remarkable and unseen by many. As Lincoln asked, what will it take to satisfy the progressives of the left. His answer then was brilliant and stands today. Stop telling them that Socialism is wrong! Then, join them in calling Socialism right!

The founders deeply reviewed history, cultures and societal failures. They studied, democracies, Oligarchy’s and despotism including socialism. They rejected all with much passion that can should be read in the Federalist Papers.

One  must only examine the “natural rights” that are the foundation of our Declaration of Independence that gave birth to the Constitution, to find the answer. After a great discourse from Lincoln and the founders the answer was conclusive. Man’s natural rights come from God. Period.

When examining the course of action by the Democrats of the left, we can see a clear pathway to drive God’s word from the public discourse and now overtly attempting to trample free speech and other liberty’s guaranteed by the “Natural Rights” that are NOT given by man nor can be taken away by man. They simply “are”.

There is not doubt the success of the Southern Succession would have become the end to a great Nation. Why? The liberty and freedoms given to citizens would have to be removed as the context of slavery begin to overtake our nation. It would have been the ruin of all. All men would be subject to the control of other men/people without any redress. It would become the natural right of the Oligarchy that had the power and means to subvert others. So it is with the current progressive/liberal movement. Once man has lost his "Natural Rights" he is doomed to misery and ruin!

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