Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Time to Redefine "Middle America"

 Time to Redefine "Middle America"

The traditional definition is:

"Middle America is a colloquial term for the United States heartland, especially the culturally rural and suburban areas of the United States, typically the Midwestern and Southern United States."

However, in today's politicized world, I would like to propose another consideration.

Given the Democrats are associated with left thinking and Republicans are associated with right thinking. What about the rest of Americans? I say they are overlooked. Why do I say that? Simply by the fact those not in either of the afformentioned camps rarely if ever get mentioned or considered.

That is simply wrong! All peoples political views deserve to be in the public discourse. Why not? Mabey, just mabey it is because they are larger in numbers than the other two groups combined!!

Hold on you say! How could that be true? Try this. Gallup 2020; Gallup polling found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrats, 25% identified as Republican, and 40% as Independent.

Why independent? They are usually patriotic, not extreme and love their country above all else. Hmm! Maybe why the "declare as independent"??

Middle America is not the middle of the road, they are the the foundation of the country! 

Think about it.....

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