Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Country Out of Control Caused by a Permissive Culture

A Country Out of Control Caused by a Permissive Culture

After over 30 years of a growing permissive culture where the theme was “everything is okay; whatever you believe or want to do.

Today liberal’s deride others for the consequences we are experiencing from the deterioration of our culture. Like many liberal ideologues they disregarded unintended consequences have finally proven to be very dangerous as we are seeing on a daily basis.

The root causes? The disregard of “Social Mores”. Mores are the customs, norms, and behaviors that are acceptable to a society or social group. Social Mores are created over a long period of time and it is safe to say it is the glue that binds us together as a people. When your personal behaviors disagree with cultural mores, you should expect to pushback and that others will be annoyed and disparaging. Why? Incurring the consequences of stepping outside the bright lines of the cultural mores keeps a society bound together. Cultural stability is a good thing.

What is now called “Political Correctness” is an attempt to call out a counter-culture effort using the political process. This is when those wanting freedom from scorn or disagreement for their behavior they turn to the “political process”. More often, the strategy is coopting powerful and large groups to support minority views or behaviors that are counter to the current social mores.

What can we conclude? The use of a political process of rapid change has been going on for over 30 years and the consequences are now being felt as we have undone the cultural glue that binds us together as a people.

To be sure, culture does change overtime. However, is must be done gradually and bring along the whole of society in the process. Otherwise, the culture cleaves, and society suffers undue consequences. Many have been witnessing this phenomenon over their life. Some were afraid for the future while others celebrated their efforts. However, few likely saw the future they were living into; the cultural divide and public discord.

In the U.S., the “counterculture movement” has been speed along by those we call liberals, progressives. Their collective efforts utilizing the political process has speed our culture along the path of change that has outpaced the cultures ability to absorb and “choose” the change to the customs, norms, and behaviors that are acceptable to a society.

What is annoying to many in the U.S. is that liberals that are complaining and blaming about the division in our nation while not wanting to accept accountability for causing our cultural norms to be out of balance. They continue to embrace force (laws) and “political correctness” to have their way. Further, they do not want to accept that all cultures tend to cling to the status quo. In fact, that choose to incorporate this “status quo” proclivity as the “boogeyman” in their drive for accepting their world view and cultural change.

The liberals disparage those that are fearful the cultural/social changes are dragging the country down and should accept the change. Four hundred years of social/cultural mores built upon an enduring idea put to writing. This fact will not change by simply being angry and blaming those that continue to hold to the original Social Mores (values and principles in the Declaration of Independence and more) that believe made the country great. A predictable and normal behavior.

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