Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The passing of George Herbert Bush

The passing of George Herbert Bush

Like many in America, like I, mourn the passing of a leader and president of the United States that was among the last few living from the greatest generation in America. As I listened to the stories and personal experiences people spoke about, George Bush was truly a great man aside from his public service and being President of the United States.
As I watched and listened to the many radio, TV and written tributes to this man, I eventually had an unsettling thought. All this media attention to a great man that was more than just a great president, but one that had deep and abiding beliefs. Beliefs and principles that are publicly and constantly denigrated by the Left. What was I witnessing? What was the media doing and why?

We have all witnessed the vile mobs on the left that stand on the opposite side of the values and principles that were the very life of this great man! Not a peep from them, not a peep from the extremist among the politicians.

I could only imagine. Lives like his should be a model for many aspiring young people. Not what we have witnessed in recent years. Many have said that he “…the last of his kind….” I pray to God that is not true. My fervent prayer is there are many among us that are like George Bush that will rise up and be like him. Strong like him in disciplined moral strength and courage.

America cannot watch his passing and accept he was the last. No, we need to embrace the idea we need to step up to take his place. At least in his humanity, beliefs and values.

God Bless America

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