Thursday, November 24, 2016

Lying now or lying then?

Lying now or lying then?

The run up to the election was roiled with the debate; can the vote be rigged or not? We were deluged with TV, News Print and other sources that “rigging” was all but impossible. Why? Voting systems were “closed systems” and local; not tied to the internet where hacking occurs.

Now, for the last several days we are hearing a sudden alarm being sounded by some that we must have certain states conduct recounts. There is no claim of fraud or wrong doing. The rational is “...we must prove the votes are true and can be trusted….” What? What changed?

One point we all remember is the group (Democrats) that claimed Donald Trump would not agree in advance to accept the election results lost; they lost and lost big in the electoral college. Hmm!

So, again American voters are left scratching their collective heads thinking beware “…when experts say…”. It simply does not matter. The so-called experts change the narrative based on current events. In this case, they are not happy!

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