Friday, February 26, 2016

Top 10 Reasons Why a Thinking Democrat will not vote for Hillary Clinton


1. Do we really want an oligarchy?
Democrats hate oligarchies! Do we really want the first female President to be the wife of a former President? Legitimate candidates should not have to rely on their spouses or relatives to display why they are fit to serve.
2. She’s hopelessly out of Touch
Democrats want a person that is for the people. This was best put on display when Clinton stated in July 2014 that she and her husband were “dead broke” upon leaving the White House in 2001.  There is nothing wrong with the Clintons using the money that they have earned to purchase such luxury; however, there is a major issue in Mrs. Clinton being unable to recognize her own good fortune.
3. A Life Spent As a Washington Insider
Poll after poll demonstrates Democrats do not trust Washington insiders. Even so, after 20 years, she cannot claim any achievements. After compiling 20 consecutive years working in the inner-circle of Washington, D.C. three roles were not her first experiences in the nation’s capital. It was only after she failed the Washington, DC bar exam that she made the final decision to marry Bill Clinton and move to Arkansas.
4. A Chronic Liar
Before there was Brian Williams, there was Hillary Clinton. Clinton infamously claimed in 2008 that she landed under “sniper fire” in Bosnia, which was refuted by video evidence of the incident. However, that is not the first time that Clinton has been caught telling untruths. In 1995, she claimed that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary. However, he did not do so until 6 years after Clinton was born. Additionally, Jerry Zeifman, counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, claims that during her work on Watergate, Clinton wrote fraudulent legal brief and confiscated public documents.
5. She changes positions when it’s politically expedient
She cannot be trusted on key Democrat issues. Hillary Clinton stated in 2000, “I think a marriage is as a marriage has always been, between a man and a woman.” Clinton retained this position during her 2008 campaign and until 2013, when she said that gay Americans are “full and equal citizens and deserve the rights of citizenship, that includes marriage”; She favored the Cuban embargo in 2000; voted for the Iraq War in 2002: she was against of giving driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants.
6. She’s economically Illiterate
Clinton has indicated she does not grasp the fundamentals of economics in order to fulfill her promises on jobs and economic recover. The closest she has come it to say that “The unfettered free market has been the most radically disruptive force in American life in the last generation.” Never explaining what “disruptive” is to imply and what must be done. Clinton told a crowd, “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.” Even hard core liberals know that businesses create jobs, not government as Bernie would have us believe.
7. A Democrat Who Voted For War
For as big of a liberal as Clinton is on domestic issues, she has proven herself to be just as neo-conservative on foreign policy. Clinton voted in favor of the Iraq War; she said that she would have assisted anti-Assad forces in Syria, and her desire to intervene in Libya is what led to the arming of members of Al Qaeda; She would use nuclear weapons to (in her words) “obliterate” Iran if they were to attack Israel with nuclear weapons.
8. Anti-Civil Liberties
Clinton voted for the USA PATRIOT Act in 2001. As Secretary of State, she justified NSA spying; she said Edward Snowden was attempting to assist China and Russia with his revelations about the NSA program. She also opposed the release of documents by WikiLeaks. She has supported making flag-burning illegal calling for a $100,000 fine and 1-year sentence in jail for the offense. There is much more.
9. Scandal-Ridden
Mrs. Clinton has found herself involved in a number of scandals. In the infamous Whitewater Controversy, she was involved in some suspect real estate investments. Mrs. Clinton was also implicated in the Travelgate scandal; Mrs. Clinton was found to have played a central role in the firings and made false statements about the matter. Mrs. Clinton was involved in the Filegate scandal, which alleged that she had requested and read top-secret FBI background checks for political purposes.
10. Benghazi

Even Democrats are outraged about this and distrust her. There is perhaps no bigger scandal. Christopher Stevens and Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith were killed on duty. Hours later, a second assault killed two CIA contractors. Requests for more security had been made by the American representatives in Libya to the Clinton State Department for months prior, but they were ignored. She embarrassed the government, the State Department and the Military in front of the whole world.

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