Monday, February 8, 2016

Teach black youths right way to swagger

Teach black youths right way to swagger


The year 2015 was a challenging one for African-American males. We were shot, killed and seriously injured at record rates, according to some reports.

There were national cases that caught our attention and made headline news. The relationship between black men and the police has soured to a point where we must be careful and cautious about our every move. Many African-American men like me have often said that when we leave home in the morning there is no guarantee that we will return home in the evening.

If you live in a major urban area, you see the murder rate among African- American males spiraling out of control.

While an argument can be made about strained relationships between law enforcement and black men, the overwhelming majority of these murders happen because of us.

We as black men are killing and maiming other black men. This is a fact that is painful yet indisputable. However, this black-on-black crime epidemic seemingly does not get our full attention. Where is our outrage as black people when black children bring guns to school in their book bags?

Why is there not equal disgust when rival black gangs indiscriminately shoot into unsuspecting crowds of innocent people?

Well, 2016 is here and we as black people put the responsibility to stop this violence upon ourselves.

Adam Clayton Powell Jr., a black congressman from New York, liked to say “keep the faith, baby.” So it is that we must keep the faith in 2016.

Let us keep the faith in trying to help young black men find their way in life. Being black, male and aged 18-30 brings unwanted challenges.

This age group has a certain swagger, yet too many in this age range have the wrong type of swagger.

They have the swagger of not listening to good, old-school advice. They have the swagger of not having a job. They have the swagger of thinking that using violence to solve disputes and problems is the only answer. Let those of us who know the swagger of success help these young brothers change their social paradigm. Let us show them through our volunteerism and taking care of our families that we have the swagger of social responsibility.

Let us show them that getting an education, going into the military or getting a job with training will help them with the swagger of taking charge of their lives. Let us be good listeners and give them support as they develop their swagger of self-confident young men.
We must help them to take school more seriously. We must teach them to obey school rules so that teachers can impart knowledge and wisdom. The old axiom that children represent our future is as true today as it was in my day.

As black men and women, we must make a difference in the lives of these young black boys.

If you are white, you, too, can make a difference in the lives of these young people. Reach out and they will reach back as caring, not color, will win them over.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Everybody can be great because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”
Keep the faith.

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