the Record Straight:
left winger lying about what needs to be done about mass shootings
Dionne: Let’s change course and focus on the gun makers
It’s not just Congress that fails to respond after another massacre briefly focuses attention on the irrationality and permissiveness of our country’s firearms statutes. Those of us seeking change also regularly fall down on the job. We express outrage and move on, leaving the debate exactly where we found it. Opponents of the big gun interests are often insufficiently innovative in what we propose. Let’s face it: We have been losing this fight.
He wants you to think you are part of the “we”.
Yes, he does when most people are not.
“According to a poll by
CNN and ORC International, opposition to gun control has risen 23 percent since
January. As a result, a majority of Americans no longer support gun control.”
The time has come to recast this battle as a fight to hold those who make billions of dollars from the sale of firearms accountable for what their products do to individuals and communities. We must call for corporate responsibility, and enforce it by law if it’s not forthcoming. And President Obama must be willing to go well beyond what he has done so far. As is their way, the community organizers and activists at the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) are pushing the president to use the federal government’s purchasing power to promote safer guns. To do business with the government, companies would have to be willing to “remove the barriers to getting smart guns and gun safety technologies to market” and cooperate with law enforcement to “identify and isolate dealers that provide large numbers of guns used in crimes.” Governments at all levels account for roughly 40 percent of gun industry revenues. Taxpayers have a right to demand responsibility from an industry that gets so much of our money.
Here Dionne deflects
away from the root cause analysis of Mass Shootings and directs attention to “attacking”
gun manufacturers. The question he does not address and I say is afraid to
address is “Why do individual young males decide to kill people en mass?”
Obama also faces prodding from his fellow
Democrats. Both Hillary Clinton and Martin O’Malley have put forward
comprehensive gun proposals that are more adventurous than the ideas Obama has
embraced. O’Malley deserves particular credit for going far beyond the highly
constricted gun-policy conversation. His comprehensive plan includes a proposal
that echoes the IAF in mandating that the federal government buy weapons
only from manufacturers who adopt basic safety measures and the microstamping
of weapons.
If we are to believe
that solving huge complex problems is to attack manufacturers for what results
of using/owning what they make, he is lying about his motive. Why not Cigarettes? 480,000 people die a
year. As for the top 10 causes of death in the U.S., He does not say a word
Heart disease: 611,105
Cancer: 584,881
Chronic lower
respiratory diseases: 149,205
Accidents (unintentional
injuries): 130,557
Stroke (cerebrovascular
diseases): 128,978
Alzheimer's disease:
Diabetes: 75,578
Influenza and Pneumonia:
Nephritis, nephrotic
syndrome, and nephrosis: 47,112
Intentional self-harm
(suicide): 41,149
Gun homicides have
leveled out over the past 7 years averaging 12,000 per year.
So let’s talk less about the NRA and more about those whose interests the NRA serves, the big weapons sellers such as Sturm, Ruger & Co., Smith & Wesson, SIG Sauer, Beretta, Glock and Freedom Group. Let’s insist that Obama put his anger to work.
Responsible business people care about the well-being of their communities and live with all sorts of health and safety regulations. They above all should see how profoundly misguided it is that one of the least accountable industries in the United States involves enterprises selling products that kill people.
He closes with a colossal
lie about the companies that manufacture Guns. Regulating, fining and even
imprisonment will not Stop the young male that individually decides to kill people in
order to go out in a blaze of glory!
Beware of the lies coming from people with a
clear agenda, that write eloquently to convince people the lie is the truth.
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