Friday, October 30, 2015

No, you haven't lost your mind, America has.

No, you haven't lost your mind.

Yes, America has.

If someone just 20 years ago had said, for starters, that we'd someday elect an anti-American president who would intentionally flood our borders with millions of illegal immigrants and Islamist "refugees," that we'd soon celebrate as "heroic" a former Olympic champion for mutilating his body and pretending to be a woman, that we'd have five extremist lawyers on the Supreme Court unconstitutionally force the radical redefinition of marriage to mollify people with same-sex fetishes – you might call that person crazy.

Well, crazy is the new normal. America has lost its mind. We've snapped. Anyone with eyes to see, ears to hear and a brain to think knows it.

But why? How did it happen? What exactly caused America's moral GPS to send our nation headlong into oncoming traffic?

And can anything be done to fix it?

Maybe once in a generation are we so graced with a communicator like veteran journalist and best-selling author David Kupelian. His matchless ability to unpack the complicated issues of our day with simplistic precision is nothing short of genius, a gift from God he has shared once more in his latest book, "The Snapping of the American Mind: Healing a Nation Broken by a Lawless Government and Godless Culture."

In "The Snapping of the American Mind," Kupelian one ups himself by exploring, in lucid detail, the root cause of our current age of lawlessness and moral anarchy. Yet, somehow, he manages to leave us filled with hope for American revival and renewal. "Snapping" is just the book America needs for a time such a time as this.

In it you will learn:

•    How the left has succeeded in redefining not just "marriage," but the rest of Americans' core values, from "equality" to "justice" to "freedom";

•    Why America, unquestionably the least racist nation on earth, is now being portrayed as a deeply racist pariah state;

•    Why the United States is intentionally being flooded with millions of needy, dependent, Third World immigrants;

•    How a group that amputates healthy body parts and has a 41 percent attempted suicide rate is officially declared "normal," yet new "research" suggests conservatives have malformed brains;

•    Which of the two major U.S. political parties has a far higher incidence of mental illness;

•    Why Americans today are more stressed-out, confused, conflicted and addicted than at any time in the nation's history – and where this ominous trend is leading!

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