Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Left Has Fear and Hatred of Christianity!

Left Has Fear and Hatred of Christianity

The left's  "fear and hatred of Christianity"  and religion in general has driven America's culture wars for the past 30 years.

That is what people on the left just have the biggest struggle with. It's a giant enemy.

Christianity is a powerful enemy the left has no control over and will never be able to dominate, he said. It is "an enemy they will never be able to obliterate and they know it, but they nevertheless try."

The left has found a huge appreciation for Pope Francis because some of the things he says seem to line up with their thinking.

"So when the Vicar of Christ now and then comes out, utters some economic policy that makes them think he's one of them, they celebrate," Limbaugh said in an interview. "I think it's fascinating they desperately want the Pope to be one of them. … Then the Pope will come out the next day and makes it clear he's not one of their guys.

Leftists vacillate from love, hate, anger, reassessment, appreciation. It's a fascinating case study.

Liberals have done much the same with religious freedom laws. They loved the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) when it was signed by President Bill Clinton. But they didn't like Indiana's state RFRA, saying it targeted gay people.

A  story by 
David Weigel on Bloomberg Politics showing Democrats are on the "wrong side of public polling" on the issue, even among voters in their own party.

In other words, whatever happened in Indiana, it's not the majority position in this country. It's the minority position.

Polling indicates it. Weigel's trying to point it out to Democrats, "Hey, look, you don't own this issue. Most people agree with the pizzeria owner in Walkerton. Most people do not agree with us walking in there and trying to shut them down."

The reality is that the mainstream media, gay activists, civil rights activists, you name it, are trying to make it look like the vast majority of Americans agree that Indiana is a backward, racist, bigot, homophobic state, and they want them penalized. And Marist says it's not even close to being true. It's the exact opposite.

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