Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Left Wing Amnesia: Warren Forgets Who Created Subprime Mortgages

Warren Forgets Who Created Subprime Mortgages

Barbie of the Left, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), told a group of Democrat donors in the Boston area that the subprime mortgage crisis unfairly "targeted" minority families looking to buy a home. She also lambasted what she saw as an unholy alliance between Wall Street and government, with people moving from -- in leftist eyes -- the evil corporate banks into government work, tainting the vaulted work of orchestrating plebeians' lives. Politico reports, "She ascribed some of the problem to a worsening climate of economic opportunity for African-Americans than existed even a decade ago, according to attendees. And she said that the mortgage crisis affected black and Hispanic families more heavily, describing those groups as being 'targeted.'" Warren neglected to mention those subprime mortgages were created by the government -- Democrats, in particular -- and then the government forced banks to adopt risky lending practices as a way to encourage minority homeownership. So were minorities "targeted"? Absolutely. By Democrats

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