Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How did the U.S. fall so rapidly?

How did the U.S. fall so rapidly?
Alternative Media is the kind of news organizations America's founders would have approved.
By David Kupelian

As we enter 2014, it's incredible to behold what has happened to America. Just 25 years ago, Ronald Reagan was president, the Berlin Wall was being torn down, our nation was stronger than ever, our economy robust. It was "morning in America." What a wonderful time that was – I remember it well.

Today, we endure daily news of mind-numbing scandals coming  from the Obama administration, topped by the mega-scandal of Obamacare. But in truth, the whole Obama presidency is one huge scandal, leading our great nation into utter financial, political, cultural and spiritual catastrophe.

How did we fall so rapidly? There are many factors, of course, but one of the most egregious, consequential and disgraceful has been our news media, whom we trust to simply tell us what is really going on, without fear or favor. But the press has totally betrayed our trust.

As I wrote in "The Marketing of Evil," "no institution is more complicit in making evil appear good and good appear evil" than the news media.

However, if there’s one bit of good news in today’s America, if there’s one chance to reclaim our nation, one trend that is truly hopeful, it’s the growth of a genuinely truth-oriented, pro-American alternative media to counteract the pathetic performance of the elite, "mainstream" press.

Alternative media has summoned the raw courage to report crucial stories that almost no one else – liberal or conservative – will touch. For example, we defend, in a professional journalistic way, the Judeo-Christian moral foundation of America and don’t pretend sexual anarchy and perversion are somehow normal and wholesome.

Are you concerned about illegal immigration, border security and amnesty? Alternative Media been reporting on it like no one else for 15 years. Worried about surveillance and the developing police state in America? They’ve been tracking it and reporting on it since the latter years of the last century! Concerned about Islamic terrorism and jihad? They were reporting on this in-depth, when no one else was, long before Sept. 11, 2001.

In truth, you cannot have a free country without a free press. Yet most of America's "big media" today have devolved into a de facto government propaganda ministry. And even most of the "conservative" media are afraid to cover the really consequential stories that – while important to the nation – can also exact a price from news organizations reporting them, in terms of threats, ridicule, boycotts, lawsuits and financial loss.

That's why I'm asking you to please support the Alternative Media like CNS, WND and others.

Alternative Media is the kind of news organizations America's founders would have approved. They don't mock patriotic Americans and tea partiers trying to set their country right. They don't rewrite White House press releases and call it news. They don't bow and scrape before President Obama or anyone else. They don't pretend abortion is OK, or that same-sex marriage is good, or that global warming is "proven science," or that more government is the solution to all problems, or that Palestinian leaders want peace, or that the Constitution is old-fashioned, or that the "Federal Reserve" is good for America. In short, they're not politically correct and have no sacred cows. Instead, they are experienced, professional journalists striving to do one thing – to tell the truth that Americans desperately need and deserve to hear.
It isn't easy reporting the important stories no one else will, taking on the media elite, slaying the dragons of political correctness, bucking the tide of conventional wisdom, and constantly challenging tyranny, injustice and lies.

If you believe, as Thomas Jefferson did, that "the only security of all is in a free press," and if you want to see major growth in the kind of courageous, watchdog reporting – rather than the submissive, lapdog approach coming from what Rush Limbaugh calls today's "state-run media".

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