Sunday, December 22, 2013

The news they didn't see fit to print

The pursuit of Constitutionally grounded governance, freedom and individual liberty
"There is but one straight course, and that is to seek truth and pursue it steadily." --George Washington                                       
Please click on links to read The Full Story.....

By Onan Coca

You know that broken-record mantra that Democrats have about the rich paying “their fair share?” That load of BS should get tossed out of the window with the most recent study undertaken by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). The old liberal story goes that it’s just unfair, how much more money the rich make than the poor. They talk about the wealth gap and how the rich just keep getting richer, as if these things are inherently bad.

Guess what? They’re not.

So liberals site all of these “problems” as reasons that the rich should pay more taxes. It’s patriotic, as the Vice President says.


A&E Fires Phil

"Duck Dynasty" star and patriarch Phil Robertson came face to face with the political correctness police at A&E again this week when he dared to go "off script" during a GQ interview.

Last May, the network requested that the #1 show in cable TV history eliminate its references to God and guns, but Phil said no: "God and guns are part of our everyday lives [and] to remove either of them from the show is unacceptable. If we can't pray to God on the show, then we will not do the show."

Responding to a question about sin in the current edition of GQ, Phil replied in his colloquial manner, "Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there." He then paraphrased 1 Corinthians: "Don't be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers -- they won't inherit the kingdom of God. Don't deceive yourself. It's not right."

The reaction from the two most infamous proponents of gender confusion and homosexual normalization was swift and predictable. The so-called "Human Rights" Campaign protested, "Phil Robertson's remarks are not consistent with the values of our faith communities or the scientific findings of leading medical organizations. We also know that Americans of faith follow the Golden Rule -- treating others with the respect and dignity you'd wish to be treated with. As a role model on a show that attracts millions of viewers, Phil Robertson has a responsibility to set a positive example for young Americans."
by David Risselada

It is overwhelmingly obvious to all paying attention that we are being governed by people who absolutely do not share in the traditional values that made this country great. The vast majority of people in this nation; however, still hold the ideal of individual liberty in very high regard as well as the fundamental Christian principles that were the driving force behind the creation of our government and system of laws. People still believe our constitution should remain the law of the land and furthermore many people are becoming increasingly frustrated with the continuous usurpations of power by the current governing body. In fact, many people are fully aware that we are being governed by communists whose number one goal is the destruction of American sovereignty in favor of a global hierarchy in which we find ourselves subservient to the whims of global dictators. In order to overcome this we have to understand it for what it is, spiritual warfare.

While everyone is distracted with the holiday festivities, Congress has been hard at work, screwing us over in the name of national security.

Yesterday the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act was fast-tracked through the Senate, with no time for discussion or amendments. And you know, its Christmastime, so they just passed it so that they could recess for the holidays. The new version of the NDAA has already been quietly passed by the House of Representatives.
By Jeremiah G. Dys, Esq.

First they came for the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, but I wasn’t a retreat center, so, I did nothing.
When, they came for Tim Tebow, I wasn’t a Heisman-winning quarterback, so I did nothing.
When they came  for Craig James, I wasn’t a retired running back and sportscaster fired by a huge media conglomerate because I believed that marriage is between one man and one woman, so I did nothing.
When they came for Elane Huguenin, I was not a wedding photographer who had a moral objection to lending her art to photograph a same-sex commitment ceremony, so I did nothing.
When they came for Staff Sgt. Monk, I was not a 19-year veteran of the US Air Force who was fired by his lesbian commanding officer for refusing to endorse same-sex marriage, so I did nothing.
When they came for Pastor Scott Rainey, I wasn’t a pastor who prayed, “In Jesus name” at a Memorial Day service, so I did nothing.
When they came for Jonathan Morgan, I wasn’t a third-grader who gave my friends pencils with the phrase, “Jesus is the reason for the season” written on it, so I did nothing.
When they came for Dr. Frank Turek, I wasn’t an employee of Cisco who kept my opinions to myself at work, but was fired after writing a book on my personal time about my personal belief in marriage between one man and one woman, so I did nothing.
When they came for Audrey Jarvis, I wasn’t punished as a college student for wearing a cross necklace at a student organization fair, so I did nothing.
When they came for Erin Shead, I wasn’t a 10-year old girl from Memphis that was told she could not draw a picture of God as her hero, so I did nothing.

By Rick Moran

John Fund makes this point, among others, in his post at The Corner:
Yesterday the Obama administration suddenly moved to allow hundreds of thousands of people who've lost their insurance due to Obamacare to sign up for bare-bone "catastrophic" plans. It's at least the 14th unilateral change to Obamacare that's been made without consulting Congress. 

"It shows that the Obamacare insurance products aren't selling so, at the last minute, the administration is holding a fire sale on a failed launch," says Grace-Marie Turner of the Galen Institute, a health-care advocacy group. "Just think how you must feel if you were one of the people who spent the last two months fighting their way through to buy a policy that will be thousands of dollars more expensive than this catastrophic insurance!" 

Of course, like every other exemption from Obamacare the latest fix is supposed to last only a year, raising the prospect that people will be kicked off their catastrophic coverage as soon as the 2014 election is safely in the political rear-view mirror.  

Neo-Darwinists would not have predicted the results they got when studying fish, alligators, monkeys and mice.

Blind Fish See Adaptive Light
In the article “Blind Cavefish Offer Evidence for Alternative Mechanism of Evolutionary Change,” Science Daily summarizes a paper in Science that runs counter to standard neo-Darwinism:
In a blind fish that dwells in deep, dark Mexican caves, scientists have found evidence for a long-debated mechanism of evolutionary change that is distinct from natural selection of spontaneously arising mutations, as reported this week in the journal Science.
The “distinct” alternative mechanism is called “cryptic variation.”  It implies that variations (mutations) occur without causing any outward change to the looks or functions of organisms.  These mutations “lie in wait” until the shock of a new environment forces them to the surface.  PhysOrg points out that despite being “elegant” [an adjective often used by Richard Dawkins], Darwin’s “classical view of  evolution” is too slow:

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