Thursday, September 26, 2013

News You Missed 9.26.13

The pursuit of Constitutionally grounded governance, freedom and individual liberty
"There is but one straight course, and that is to seek truth and pursue it steadily." --George Washington                                       

EPA admits new coal regulations won't reduce global warming
An Environmental Protection Agency proposal designed to reduce CO2 emissions and reduce global warming will actually have no “notable CO2 emission changes.” So, a rule that will essentially ban new coal-fired power plants will actually have no impact on global warming. Got it.

The EPA does not anticipate that this proposed rule will result in notable CO2 emission changes, energy impacts, monetized benefits, costs, or economic impacts by 2022,” the EPA writes under the comments section of its proposal. The EPA also admits that “the owners of newly built electric generating units will likely choose technologies that meet these standards even in the absence of this proposal due to existing economic conditions as normal business practice.”

So, a rule that will make it nearly impossible to built an effective, new coal plant wasn’t even necessary in the first place? The rule has nothing but downsides. What’s interesting is that in the paragraph immediately preceding the admission that the regulation will do nothing, EPA claimed that the rule would “contribute to the actions required to slow or reverse the accumulation of [greenhouse gas] concentrations in the atmosphere.” But if the rule does absolutely nothing, how does it contribute to reducing global warming?

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy gave the answer last week, saying that this proposed rule, along with the Obama administration's other global warming rules, “positions the U.S. for leadership on this issue.” That, she said, would “prompt and leverage international discussions and actions.”  Lisa Miller, spokeswoman for the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, said that the EPA’s “piecemeal” approach to global warming is an “ineffective and expensive way to reduce CO2 emissions.” She added that “without comparable actions by other countries to reduce emissions, the U.S. is at a competitive disadvantage.” The EPA’s rule appears to not actually be about impacting global warming, but all about making the U.S. look good on the issue in the international community. That, and the elimination of coal. “Even if the entire U.S. coal fleet was somehow eliminated, the decrease in projected sea level rise would be less than the thickness of a dime,” Miller said.
Obama and Kerry at the UN
While most of America was focused on the ongoing ObamaCare and Demo-Debt Debate, there was no shortage of mischief, malfeasance and mendacity at the United Nations confab this week, with Barack Hussein Obama and his left-hand man, John Kerry, leading the cast.
First up, Kerry made our nation a signatory to the United Nations' Arms Trade Treaty, ostensibly regulating small arms trade between nations. At the signing ceremony, Kerry claimed, "Make no mistake, we would never think about supporting a treaty that is inconsistent with the rights of Americans, the rights of American citizens to be able to exercise their guaranteed rights under our Constitution. This is about keeping Americans safe and keeping America strong. This treaty will not diminish anyone's freedom."
Make no mistake, the ATT is a Trojan Horse.
Obama and Kerry assure us that the treaty exempts any regulations of domestic gun sales and ownership in the U.S., but with the stroke of a pen, it could implement severe gun restrictions and even confiscations -- an end run around the Second Amendment that would provide political cover for gun control Leftists in the Senate and House.
MSNBC’s Morning Joe: ‘Barack Obama Has Proven He Wasn’t Ready to Be President’
MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough is waking up to the fact that despite all the hype that accompanied President Barack Obama when he made his 2008 presidential run, he wasn’t ready for primetime.
“Barack Obama has proven over the past five years that he wasn’t ready to be president of the United States,” Scarborough said on his show Tuesday. “And he proves it still today.” Scarborough said Obama “came out of nowhere” as a freshman senator, and “a couple years later, people elected him president of the United States.” Obama served less than a decade in the Illinois Senate with a less-than-stellar record that included numerous instances of voting “present.” He followed that distinguished service with less than a full term in the U.S. Senate, also unimpressive. Most of his time there seemed to be spent running for the presidency. Yet, solely on the basis that “Barack Obama was against the [Iraq] war,” the Democratic Party “went out and sold him like he was a bag of potato chips, they marketed him [and] he becomes president of the United States,” Scarborough said.
To illustrate his point, the TV host challenged guest Donny Deutsch to “name me a major piece of legislation that Barack Obama passed in the United States Senate, that would suggest that he knew how to work in the United States Senate and would be an effective president of the United States.”
Nancy Pelosi: Death of the 40 Hour Work Week Means Freedom & Liberation
From the land of fruits and nuts comes Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) with a timely comment about the destructive nature of Obamacare that Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) spent nearly 22 hours informing the American people about on Tuesday and Wednesday. Cruz made mention not only of jobs lost because of Obamacare but also hours lost for those who are able to keep their jobs. However, House Minority Leader Pelosi says there’s nothing to worry about because everything is sunshine and rainbows. These things will only mean you are not chained to a job and have more freedom to “follow your passion.

She appeared on CNN’s State of the Union and host Candy Crowley read part of a letter from union thug James Hoffa Jr., which Senator Cruz also mentioned, in which he described the impact of Obamacare on employers as a way to “destroy the foundation of the 40-hour work week.” “That’s pretty tough from a loyal Democratic constituency,” said Crowley. Pelosi didn’t even bat an eyelash as she merrily talked about how she and her colleagues will “find a path” to satisfy unions in Obamacare.

Not to worry though, as Pelosi says that people shouldn’t be concerned about losing the 40-hour work week (and with it a 40-hour paycheck) because it will free Americans to “pursue your happiness … follow your passion.”  Yes, like finding a second job to feed the kids and pay the mortgage.
Jay Carney Gives Laughable White House Response to Legitimate Question About Health Care Prices
"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value." Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, No. 1, 1776

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