Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Right Laen Update 12.26.13

The pursuit of Constitutionally grounded governance, free markets and individual liberty
"There is but one straight course, and that is to seek truth and pursue it steadily." --George Washington

Americans Aged 18-29 Have a More Favorable View Towards Socialism Than Capitalism by Paulreal
A recent Pew poll showed that young people IN THE UNITED STATES view socialism (49%) more favorably than capitalism (45%).
You can view the charts here by age category:
What do you think are some of the reasons for the "socialization of America's youth"? Here are some of my guesses:
-Constant bombardment of anti capitalistic messages from the Main Stream Media & public schools;
-Growing up with government programs like social security, Pell grants & unemployment insurance;
-Growing up In a cashless/credit card (debt based) society where they don't see the value of things in tangible exchanges;
-Growing up without the threat or recent memory of the harm done to the world by the German Socialst party, the NAZIs and Communist Russia;
-A lack of understanding of history and economics;
-Federal Reserve quantitative easing, stimulus and bailouts that supposedly "saved us"; and
- The constant Leftist propaganda like President Obama's frequent socialist remarks-"spread the wealth..", "free markets don't work, never have....", "you didn't build that" "millionaires and billionaires need to pay their 'fair share'"
These young people grew up in American homes (and reading the stats from the links above) had a strong belief in capitalism and were successful as a result.  Where were these parents during their formative years?  What do you older children believe and why?  That is a question that every parent should ask and be prepared to defend Capitalism.  These scary percentages did not "pop" up out of nowhere.  It has been a long time coming!!

Professor Melissa Harris-Perry Calls Pre-Born Baby ‘This Thing’ by Gary DeMar
Melissa Harris-Perry described a pre-born baby as “this thing” that costs money when born, implying that it’s better to kill him or her rather than give birth. Here’s what she said on her MSNBC morning show:
“But the reality is that if this [as she holds up a marble-sized object representing the fertilized egg] turns into a person, right, there are economic consequences, right? The cost to raise a child, $10,000 a year up to $20,000 a year. When you’re talking about what it actually costs to have this thing turn into a human, why not allow women to make the best choices that we can with as many resources and options instead of trying to come in and regulate this process?”

So because a child costs from $10,000 to $20,000 per year, women should have the right to kill their pre-born children. Why not extend that right to children already born. Some children might be “worth” keeping around. Maybe we should wait to a baby is born, give him a few years, and if she doesn’t measure up, take her to a State-sponsored and licensed extermination center. Melissa Harris-Perry says that she understands how religious people argue that personhood begins at conception, that it’s “a particular kind of faith claim,” but such a claim “is not associated with science.” So what is it about science that says a 5 or 7 year-old child is a person?

Science is not in the value judgment business. Scientists can measure brain waves, but they can’t say there’s a mind or if there is a mind whether it has any significance in a matter-only universe. Science can determine if a human meat bag is dead or alive, but it can’t say whether that meat bag’s life was worthwhile. Evolutionist Stephen J. Gould (1941–2002) described religion and science as “Nonoverlapping Magisteria”:
“The net of science covers the empirical universe: what is it made of (fact) and why does it work this way (theory). The net of religion extends over questions of moral meaning and value. These two magisteria do not overlap, nor do they encompass all inquiry (consider, for starters, the magisterium of art and the meaning of beauty). To cite the arch cliches, we get the age of rocks, and religion retains the rock of ages; we study how the heavens go, and they determine how to go to heaven.”
But evolutionists don’t believe in the reality of religion or the moral universe that is derived from God. Gould and other atheists borrow their morality from a worldview that they work day and night to prove false and irrelevant. Science can’t say whether what Adolf Hitler did was moral or immoral; it can only count the bodies and determine how they expired.

Life Begins At Birth Video     watch

Amnestied Illegal Aliens To Access Tax-Payer Funded HealthCare
Senate Votes Down Sessions’ Amendment that would Prevent Amnestied Illegal Aliens from Accessing Taxpayer-Funded Healthcare. In a late-night vote, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) offered an amendment on Friday to a budget bill passed by the Senate that would have prevented any illegal aliens that receive amnesty from accessing taxpayer-funded healthcare, including Medicaid or subsidized plans provided as part of the Affordable Health Care Act. The amendment was voted down 43-to-56, including being voted down by four Members of the Gang of Eight. The four GOP Members of the Senate Gang of Eight – Senators Marco Rubio, Jeff Flake, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham – all voted in favor of the amendment. The Democrat Members of the Gang of Eight voted against the amendment, exposing a potential divide between the Gang Members on the issue. In the principles issued by the Gang of Eight in January, the Senators agreed that illegal aliens that receive an amnesty would not be eligible for benefits from the Affordable Health Care Act. “The core legal and economic principle of immigration is that those seeking admission to a new country must be self-sufficient and contribute to the economic health of the nation,” Sen. Sessions said in a press release after the vote. “But, for years, the federal government has failed to enforce this law. This principle is even more urgent when dealing with those who have illegally entered the country.
Sodomy: We All Have to Pay’: Ann Coulter Uses Some Reverse Logic (and Gay Bathhouses) to Attack Bloomberg’s Proposals  Billy Hallowell
Over the weekend, conservative commentator Ann Coulter appeared on Fox News’ “Geraldo at Large,” where she debated anti-obesity activist MeMe Roth. While the conversation was initially centered upon New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his proposed (and enacted) policies on sugary drinks, smoking and other related subjects, it ended up taking an unsuspected turn. In making the point that cigarette smoke isn’t the only activity that impacts overall health care costs, Coulter noted that sodomy, gay bathhouses and AIDS are all issues that also raise the cost of medical care.
Her point? If the government is going to go after smokers with the rationale that their activities impact the greater society, why not go after those who use gay bathhouses and, as a result, are at increased risk for health-related expenses?

Coulter noted that she wasn’t advocating for the latter point and that she was simply comparing Bloomberg’s policies on smoking and cigarettes to other issues that she said have a similar health impact. The conservative pundit posited the sodomy comparison as Roth was doubling-down on defending the mayor’s bans.  “There’s lots of behavior that’s worse,” Coulter said, later decrying the fact that smokers are regularly singled-out for their actions. ”People know smoking is bad for you and…all of the stigma of the world comes down on this one behavior.”
But Roth wasn’t budging, as she noted that smoking is a costly personal choice. “If you make a personal decision that ends up costing others money, somebody has to pick up that tab,” she said. ”If we’re picking up the tab, somebody’s got to help pay for that.” Coulter responded by blaming Obamacare for increased costs that smokers will incur (you can read more about surcharges that smokers will face starting next year as a result of the Affordable Care Act). Then, she issued her comparison — one that clearly surprised Roth.

“If we have to worry about smokers because of Obamacare, I think we even have to do something about the gay bathhouses, because AIDS is very expensive and if I’m paying for it, how about discouraging that behavior,” she said. The anti-obesity activist responded by noting that AIDS doesn’t only impact homosexuals, however Coulter continued, driving her point home about punishing people who engage in risky behaviors. She essentially asked: Why punish one dangerous activity that could become costly to the health care system and taxpayers at large and not the other? “I’m just saying, if the argument is, ‘Smoking, well we all have to pay,’ [then] sodomy: we all have to pay,” Coulter continued. “You’re the one making the argument fine go ahead have your bathhouses.”
Lawmakers say it’s OK to seize your bank deposits to fund their bailout
Wow. This is big. What’s next? Nothing is safe. I hope you’re ready for the coming turning point in our society. If this article doesn’t make you nervous about your freedoms nothing will.
Imagine waking up to find out that as much as 40 percent of the money you thought was safely deposited in the bank was seized, without your permission, to bail out a near-bankrupt government.
That’s just what thousands of large depositors in Cyprus woke up to Monday morning after European Union officials accepted a last-minute deal offered by the island’s lawmakers to secure a $13 billion bailout to avert imminent financial meltdown. The deal, which also slashed the island’s oversized banking sector, came as euro ministers in Brussels threatened to cut off crucial emergency assistance to Cyprus’ embattled banks after business on Monday if no agreement was reached.
NRA chief says Bloomberg can’t ‘buy America’
NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre on Sunday challenged New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s plan to spend $12 million on ads meant to pressure senators into backing strict new gun control measures, saying Bloomberg “can’t buy America.”  Bloomberg’s pro-gun control group Mayors Against Illegal Guns is launching the campaign in states where senators may be on the fence regarding a package of firearms proposals making its way to the Senate floor. As the push for that legislation appears to falter, President Obama plans to soon tour the country to talk about the need to reduce gun violence, a senior administration official confirmed to Fox News. Bloomberg also confirmed Sunday that he plans to spend $12 million to run ads in at least 10 states, suggesting there could be a political price to pay for opposing the measures.
"Legislators invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind."
--Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, 1785

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