Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Right Lane update 2.28.13

The pursuit of Constitutionally grounded governance, free markets and individual liberty
"There is but one straight course, and that is to seek truth and pursue it steadily." --George Washington

Biden: Chicago Election Shows Voters Want More Gun Control
Vice President Joe Biden stated yesterday that gun control enthusiast Robin Kelly’s victory in the Chicago Democrat congressional primary is a sign that voters want stricter gun control and are turning against the all-powerful gun lobby. “For the first time since Newtown, voters sent a clear unequivocal signal,” Biden told a group of state attorney generals, who were meeting in Washington. The voters sent a message last night, not just to the NRA, but to the politicians all around the country. There will be a moral price as well as a political price to be paid for inaction,” Biden said. Biden’s remarks were made to an audience of states’ attorney generals who were meeting in Washington D.C.  What he did not say was the millions of dollars of out of state and other money that  poured into the campaign.  Again, liberal spin to keep their narrative alive.

Denier in Chief: Obama Denies Responsibility for Prisoner Release
By the way, The Politico is saying that the White House is saying that it was Janet Napolitano’s decision to release the prisoners. “The White House and the Department of Homeland Security were unaware of Immigration Customs and Enforcement’s decision to release detainees,” until the agency announced it. So not only did Obama not do it, he didn’t even know that it was done until he read about it in the paper. Yeah. And did you know that Janet Reno was solely responsible for the Waco invasion? Bill Clinton had nothing to do with that. Janet Reno herself ordered the tanks and the military equipment into Waco at the Branch Davidian complex and torched it. Clinton said so. (Clinton impression) “You gotta ask the attorney general about that. I didn’t know anything about that ’til I saw that in the paper. In fact, I found out about it the same time you did.” And now that’s what Obama’s doing.
The White House and the Department of Homeland Security were unaware of Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s decision to release illegal immigrants before sequestration until the agency announced it. So not only did Obama not do it, he didn’t know about it until he read it in the paper. See, folks, he’s not even in charge of his own Department of Homeland Security. He’s not even in charge of his own Immigration amd Customs Enforcement agency. All of this stuff happens out there, he doesn’t know anything about it. And so now Obama is going be fighting the release of these illegal alien prisoners, just like he’s fighting the Republicans who are trying to increase the number of people who don’t have jobs. And like the lies and unknown facts about Benghazi.  Had enough yet?
Economics and Social Issues are Linked by Morality
The biggest excuse offered is, “Well, we don’t have the media, Rush, and they do,” and I know it’s a major factor. There’s no other way around it, it’s true. But the one thing that the Republicans are reluctant to try is draw the contrast with what liberalism is, what Obamaism is, what his intentions are. They do not effectively make the case for the alternative. Look at immigration. You know, there’s a big move on, and I told you about my golf buddy. There’s a big move on now to just totally eliminate any concern over the social issues whatsoever, because we gotta save the economy. The economy is where your kids’ future is, the grandkids’ future. And that’s exactly right. But all this stuff is interlinked.  Social issues and economic issues are linked by something, and it’s called morality. And it’s morality that’s missing here, and while Obama runs around and claims the country was founded immorally and unjustly, the truth of the matter is that they’re doing everything they can to eliminate morality. There are no guardrails. There are no limits. And there will be no judgments. Nobody has the right to say something is wrong. Nobody has the right anymore to say something is right. Nobody has the right to say something shouldn’t happen because it’s destructive and detrimental. You don’t have that right. Who you love, who you want to live with, how you want to live, where you want to get your money from the government for a job, it’s nobody else’s business.  And so morality is being eliminated, and this country was founded on the basis of it. This country was founded on the premise that if morality is ever eliminated, this country can’t exist as it was founded. Now, what is happening here? The Democrats are attempting to establish in the minds of as many Americans as possible that life itself depends on a thriving and growing government in the center of everyone’s life. That’s why there can be no cuts to it. Government in their minds MUST prevail as a replacement to our national moral compass!

Sequester Means You’ll Die! by Tad Cronn
Never waste a good crisis, and if you can’t find a good crisis, make one up — Obama Administration Rule No. 1. The current “crisis” is all the sequester nonsense flying around courtesy of the White House and the lapdog media.
You’re supposed to be scared of all the horrible things the White House says will happen if the sequester goes into effect, from defense layoffs to benefit cuts to a lack of olives in the back of Sen. Harry Reid’s limousine.
Recall we had the debt-ceiling crisis, then the fiscal cliff and we’re all still alive, and Washington hasn’t stopped spending money. In fact, with the sequester approaching, amounting to a 2 percent cut in the federal budget, the feds are still hiring, adding jobs and funding new programs like there’s no national debt.
Right On! Carson: Said ‘No’ to Delivering Advance Copy of Speech to White House
The White House repeatedly asked Ben Carson for his speech before the rising Republican star criticized President Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast earlier this month. Carson, a prominent neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins University, declined to do so, noting that he doesn’t put his speeches down on paper beforehand. “I told them that I don’t have an advance copy because I don’t write out my speeches and I don’t use teleprompters …they asked more than once … I gave them the [Biblical] texts around which the remarks would be framed … I said read those texts, the remarks will be framed around those … that should have told them something,” Carson said in an interview with The Hill this week.
The Tyranny of ObamaCare Continues to Unfold
According to a lawyer for the Obama Regime, the federal government has the authority to compel you to commit the most appalling crimes against your conscience — even to murder children — regardless of how grievously this would betray your religious beliefs:
The assertion came in the case of Tyndale House Publishers v. Sebelius, a challenge to the Obama administration’s regulation requiring health-care plans to cover sterilizations, contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs.
Tyndale is a for-profit corporation that publishes Bibles, biblical commentaries and other religious works. …  As a matter of religious principle, the foundation believes that human life begins at conception and that abortion is wrong. The corporation self-insures, providing its employees with a generous health-care plan. But, in keeping with its religious faith, it does not in any way provide abortions. For this reason, Tyndale sued the Obama administration, arguing that the Obamacare regulation that would force it to provide abortion-inducing drugs and IUDs in its health-care plan violated its right to the free-exercise of religion.
In the Regime’s corner: Benjamin Berwick, a lawyer for the Civil Division of the Justice Department.
Berwick argued here — as the administration has argued in other cases where private businesses are challenging the sterilization-contraception-abortifacient mandate — that once people form a corporation to conduct business they lose their First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion insofar as their business is concerned. In the face of this argument, [US District Judge Reggie] Walton asked an interesting question. His wife, a graduate of Georgetown Medical School, is a physician. She has incorporated her medical practice. Does that mean, according to the Obama administration’s argument, that the federal government can force her to act against her religious faith in the conduct of her medical practice?
Berwick’s alarming answer: Yes.
Did you think those manning the ovens at Auschwitz were working on a voluntary basis?
How Will History Evaluate President Obama? - Bill O'Reilly
The question: "How will President Obama be judged in the pages of history. Will historians will pay no mind to Obama’s charisma or his legislative victories, but instead will judge him on the economy he leaves behind." Presidents like Herbert Hoover are most remembered for presiding over bad economies, and Obama will likely end up in that same historical category. In the context of the fight over sequestration, Obama has no interest in cutting any spending without pairing it with a tax increase, but the Republicans in Congress are not interested in that. Statistics showing that estimated total 2013 spending will be $3.6 trillion, but asked why spending is so large, when the economy is not improving, poverty is the same as it was fifty years ago, and salaries for working people are going down. The fact is that minorities are more in favor of a larger government than the nation at large, arguing that Obama is spending so much money because he is relying on a coalition of African-Americans, Hispanics, organized labor, and liberals that he hopes will overwhelm the Republican party.
Joe Biden Has More Gun Advice: ‘Just Fire the Shotgun Through the Door’ Jason Howerton
If you prefer to be armed, Vice President Joe Biden really wants you to get a shotgun. During an online town hall event recently, Biden advised women to get a “double-barrel 12-gauge shotgun” and fire “two blasts” outside if they feel threatened by a home intruder. Well, now the vice president has some more gun advice. During an interview with Field and Stream, Biden advised gun owners to “just fire the shotgun through the door.” He also doubled-down on his claim that most people can “handle a shotgun a hell of a lot better than they can a semi-automatic weapon.”
The 'Republican Sequester' Setup Obama's Real Sequester Agenda  By Mark Alexander
"He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and a third time, till at length it becomes habitual..." --Thomas Jefferson (1785)

Addressing the National Governors Association this week, Barack Hussein Obama proclaimed, "At some point, we've got to do some governing. And certainly, what we can't do is keep careening from manufactured crisis to manufactured crisis." But Obama himself engineered his rapid political ascension -- from junior senator in 2005 to president of the United States in 2009 -- precisely by hopping "from manufactured crisis to manufactured crisis." Page one of his political playbook, authored by Rahm Emanuel, states: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. ... This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not before." This unknown "community organizer" and disciple of hate, was mentored by avowed Marxists, who paved his way into the Illinois State Senate in 1997 and the U.S. Senate in 2005.

Virtually unknown, but backed by wealthy ultra-Leftists John Kerry and Teddy Kennedy, Obama won the presidential election in 2008 on a banking crisis precipitated by a manufactured mortgage crisis. He won a narrow re-election in 2012 based upon his tried-and-true manufactured classist disparity crisis. Now Obama is trying to set up his Republican opponents for a fall in 2014, based upon a manufactured "Republican sequester crisis." According to Obama:
 "Republicans in Congress face a simple choice: Are they willing to compromise to protect vital investments in education and health care and national security and all the jobs that depend on them? Or would they rather put hundreds of thousands of jobs and our entire economy at risk just to protect a few special interest tax loopholes that benefit only the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations? That's the choice. Are you willing to see a bunch of first responders lose their job because you want to protect some special interest tax loophole? ... If [Republicans] allow this meat-cleaver approach to take place, it will jeopardize our military readiness; it will eviscerate job-creating investments in education and energy and medical research."
The litany continues:
"Emergency responders -- their ability to help communities respond to and recover from disasters will be degraded. Border Patrol agents will see their hours reduced. FBI agents will be furloughed. Federal prosecutors will have to close cases and let criminals go. Air traffic controllers and airport security will see cutbacks, which means more delays at airports across the country. Thousands of teachers and educators will be laid off. Tens of thousands of parents will have to scramble to find childcare for their kids. Hundreds of thousands of Americans will lose access to primary care and preventive care like flu vaccinations and cancer screenings. And already, the threat of these cuts has forced the Navy to delay an aircraft carrier that was supposed to deploy to the Persian Gulf. And as our military leaders have made clear, changes like this ... affect our ability to respond to threats in unstable parts of the world."
Despite feigning dramatic opposition to the "Republican sequester" in his national "Chicken Little" tour, both Obama and his congressional Democrat sycophants want sequestration to occur, so they can attempt to use it as a noose to hang Republicans ahead of the 2014-midterm elections. The undisputed master of deception and Demo-goguery, Obama is banking big political fortunes on the implementation of the much-debated 2.3 percent cuts to federal spending, reducing the growth of spending, not current allocations -- a plan that Obama himself hatched -- almost half of which are defense cuts.
This is precisely why Obama made Republicans an offer -- more taxes and no spending cuts -- that they can only refuse. What's that? You say you're surprised by my analysis because Republican "leaders," House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and their Beltway pundits, haven't mentioned Obama's real sequestration agenda? Well, they've been so busy taking their rebuttal queues from Obama that they missed his strategic agenda -- at their imminent peril, and that of the nation.
Only 6% Rate News Media As Very Trustworthy
Most voters still get their news from television and consider the news reported by the media generally trustworthy. Fifty-six percent (56%) of Likely U.S. Voters say they get most of their news from TV, including 32% who get it from cable news network's and 24% who get it from traditional network news. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that another 25% use the Internet as their main source of news, while only 10% still rely on print newspapers. Seven percent (7%) get most of their news from radio. Fifty-six percent (56%) of all voters regard the news reported by the media as at least somewhat trustworthy, but that includes just six percent who think it is Very Trustworthy. Forty-two percent (42%) don’t trust the news media, with 12% who believe the news it reports is Not At All Trustworthy.  
86% Think Fair Employers Attract Best Workers
Most Americans (86%) agree that companies that treat their employees fairly attract the best workers. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just five percent (5%) disagree, while another nine percent (9%) are not sure. Hmm.  The reason big labor is so dependent upon big government? Sounds like a bunch of pretty smart people!
49% Rate Free Market Polices More Important Than Closing Income Gap
Voters rate policies that promote the free market as more important than ones that reduce the income gap between rich and poor, but Republicans and Democrats don’t see eye to eye. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 83% of all Likely U.S. Voters view economic policies that allow and encourage free market competition to be at least somewhat important, including 47% who regard them as Very Important. Just eight percent (8%) say free market-oriented policies are not very or Not At All Important.


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