The lies
that our government tells us & We
choose to believe Walter E.
Let’s expose presidential prevarication. Earlier this year, President Barack Obama warned that Social Security checks would be delayed if Congress fails to increase the government’s borrowing authority by raising the debt ceiling. However, there’s an issue with this warning. According to the 2012 Social Security trustees report, assets in Social Security’s trust funds totaled $2.7 trillion, and Social Security expenditures totaled $773 billion. Therefore, regardless of what Congress does about the debt limit, Social Security recipients are guaranteed their checks. Just take the money from the $2.7 trillion assets held in trust.
Which is the lie, Social Security checks must be delayed if the debt ceiling is not raised or there’s $2.7 trillion in the Social Security trust funds? The fact of the matter is that they are both lies. The Social Security trust funds contain nothing more than IOUs, bonds that have absolutely no market value. In other words, they are worthless bookkeeping entries. Social Security is a pay-as-you-go system, meaning that the taxes paid by today’s workers are immediately sent out as payment to today’s retirees. Social Security is just another federal program funded out of general revenues.
If the congressional Republicans had one ounce of brains [which they do not], they could easily thwart the president and his leftist allies’ attempt to frighten older Americans about not receiving their Social Security checks and thwart their attempt to frighten other Americans by saying “we are not a deadbeat nation” and suggesting the possibility of default if the debt ceiling is not raised. In 2012, monthly federal tax revenue was about $200 billion. Monthly Social Security expenditures were about $65 billion per month, and the monthly interest payment on our $16 trillion national debt was about $30 billion. The House could simply enact a bill prioritizing how federal tax revenues will be spent. It could mandate that Social Security recipients and interest payments on the national debt be the first priorities and then send the measure to the Senate and the president for concurrence. It might not be a matter of brains as to why the Republican House wouldn’t enact such a measure; it likes spending just as the Democrats.
I believe our nation is rapidly approaching our last chance to do something about runaway government before we face the type of economic turmoil seen in Greece and other European nations. Tax revenue has remained constant for the past 50 years, averaging about 18 percent of gross domestic product. During that interval, federal spending has risen from less than 20 percent to more than 25 percent of GDP. What accounts for this growth in federal spending? The liberals like to blame national defense, but in 1962, national defense expenditures were 50 percent of the federal budget; today they are 19 percent. What accounts for most federal spending is the set of programs euphemistically called entitlements. In 1962, entitlement spending was 31 percent of the federal budget; today it is 62 percent. Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security alone take up 44 percent of the federal budget, and worse than that, it’s those expenditures that are the most rapidly growing spending areas.
Our federal debt and deficits are unsustainable and are driven by programs under which Congress takes the earnings of one American to give to another, or entitlements. How long can Congress take in $200 billion in revenue per month and spend $360 billion per month? That means roughly 40 cents of every federal dollar spent has to be borrowed. The undeniable fact of business is that a greater number of people are living off government welfare programs than are paying taxes. That’s what’s driving Europe’s economic problems, and it’s what’s driving ours. The true tragedy is that just to acknowledge that fact is political suicide, as presidential contender Mitt Romney found out. We can’t blame politicians. It’s the American people who will crucify a politician who even talks about cutting their favorite handout.
Let’s expose presidential prevarication. Earlier this year, President Barack Obama warned that Social Security checks would be delayed if Congress fails to increase the government’s borrowing authority by raising the debt ceiling. However, there’s an issue with this warning. According to the 2012 Social Security trustees report, assets in Social Security’s trust funds totaled $2.7 trillion, and Social Security expenditures totaled $773 billion. Therefore, regardless of what Congress does about the debt limit, Social Security recipients are guaranteed their checks. Just take the money from the $2.7 trillion assets held in trust.
Which is the lie, Social Security checks must be delayed if the debt ceiling is not raised or there’s $2.7 trillion in the Social Security trust funds? The fact of the matter is that they are both lies. The Social Security trust funds contain nothing more than IOUs, bonds that have absolutely no market value. In other words, they are worthless bookkeeping entries. Social Security is a pay-as-you-go system, meaning that the taxes paid by today’s workers are immediately sent out as payment to today’s retirees. Social Security is just another federal program funded out of general revenues.
If the congressional Republicans had one ounce of brains [which they do not], they could easily thwart the president and his leftist allies’ attempt to frighten older Americans about not receiving their Social Security checks and thwart their attempt to frighten other Americans by saying “we are not a deadbeat nation” and suggesting the possibility of default if the debt ceiling is not raised. In 2012, monthly federal tax revenue was about $200 billion. Monthly Social Security expenditures were about $65 billion per month, and the monthly interest payment on our $16 trillion national debt was about $30 billion. The House could simply enact a bill prioritizing how federal tax revenues will be spent. It could mandate that Social Security recipients and interest payments on the national debt be the first priorities and then send the measure to the Senate and the president for concurrence. It might not be a matter of brains as to why the Republican House wouldn’t enact such a measure; it likes spending just as the Democrats.
I believe our nation is rapidly approaching our last chance to do something about runaway government before we face the type of economic turmoil seen in Greece and other European nations. Tax revenue has remained constant for the past 50 years, averaging about 18 percent of gross domestic product. During that interval, federal spending has risen from less than 20 percent to more than 25 percent of GDP. What accounts for this growth in federal spending? The liberals like to blame national defense, but in 1962, national defense expenditures were 50 percent of the federal budget; today they are 19 percent. What accounts for most federal spending is the set of programs euphemistically called entitlements. In 1962, entitlement spending was 31 percent of the federal budget; today it is 62 percent. Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security alone take up 44 percent of the federal budget, and worse than that, it’s those expenditures that are the most rapidly growing spending areas.
Our federal debt and deficits are unsustainable and are driven by programs under which Congress takes the earnings of one American to give to another, or entitlements. How long can Congress take in $200 billion in revenue per month and spend $360 billion per month? That means roughly 40 cents of every federal dollar spent has to be borrowed. The undeniable fact of business is that a greater number of people are living off government welfare programs than are paying taxes. That’s what’s driving Europe’s economic problems, and it’s what’s driving ours. The true tragedy is that just to acknowledge that fact is political suicide, as presidential contender Mitt Romney found out. We can’t blame politicians. It’s the American people who will crucify a politician who even talks about cutting their favorite handout.
The NRA is Winning the Battle
In the wake of the
Sandy Hook school shooting we all knew that an impending gun debate would be a
hard fought battle. Just after this week’s hearing on Capitol Hill, a new Forbes study finds that the NRA is
winning the influence battle over gun control. In the new study performed by
Forbes Insights, an independent and unbiased organization, they found that the
“NRA and the pro-gun rights voices are winning the influence battle and will
continue to be strong and more influential if the pro gun control voice remains
fragmented”. The data was compiled from the week before the school shooting
and follows the trends over the following 5 weeks. There are some important
pieces of information gathered from this study that are important to note:
The Republican politicians are not part of this debate. Instead, many solely
have their eyes on the NRA and its president, Wayne LaPierre. Of the top 25
stakeholders in the gun control debate, only one is a Republican politician,
Chris Christie.
The pro-gun rights voice is gaining influence while the gun-control voice is
losing influence. The shifting platform is favoring those who support gun
rights and the gun-control advocates are losing their influence.
The fragmented voice of the gun-control advocates is hurting their cause.
Gallup: Conservatives Outnumber Liberals In 48 Out Of 50
The percentage of
individuals who identify as conservative in 2012 outnumber those who identify
as liberal in 47 out of the 50 states, in addition to the District of Columbia
(D.C.) according to a Gallup poll released on Feb. 1. Nationally, the amount of self-identified conservatives (38 percent)
still outnumbers liberals (23 percent). The disparity between conservatives
and liberals has remained consistent since Gallup began its tracking in 2008.
The top three conservative states in the U.S. were Alabama, with 50.6 percent
of its citizens identifying as conservative followed by North Dakota and
Wyoming, which both had 48.6 percent. Two
states—Massachusetts and Rhode Island—along with the District of Columbia were
the only places where there were more self-identified liberals than
So, you may ask, why can't Republicans win an
election? Maybe they are not
conservative enough - running Rhino candidates?
Obama Okay: Eliminates Breakfast for US Troops in
If only American
soldiers in Afghanistan were unemployed Democratic voters in Chicago, then they
might be getting three square meals a day from the government. But the military is the one place that
Obama feels comfortable slashing expenses. While spending at an uncontrollable rate unseen since the last days of the
Roman Empire in every other area, Obama
has been cutting “waste” in the military like 20,000 Marines, Tricare
healthcare for veterans and breakfast for soldiers serving in areas where he
would only venture accompanied by heavy firepower. Warren Buffett and other
crony capitalists can pig out on Obama’s trillion dollar deficits. As for the
troops. Let them ear MRE’s. The Army has
stopped serving cooked breakfasts to some of the U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan
as part of its drawdown, a move that prompted troops to write home asking their
families and friends to send care packages with cereal, breakfast bars and
other foods.
GOP Senator: Obama ‘High on His Own Power’
Republican senator Ted Cruz of Texas said Thursday that Barack Obama
is “high on his own power” with regard to the president’s announced efforts on
gun control. Speaking on Laura Ingraham’s radio talk show, Cruz, who was
just elected to the Senate last November, said “this is a president who has
drunk the Kool-Aid.” “He is feeling right now high on his own power, and he is
pushing on every front, on guns,” Cruz said. “And I think it’s really sad to
see the president of the United States exploiting the murder of children and
using it to push his own extreme, anti-gun agenda. I think what the president
is proposing and the gun control proposals that are coming from Democrats in
the Senate are, number one, unconstitutional, and number two, they don’t work.
They’re bad policy.”
Cruz told Ingraham that he does not believe Obama will be successful in
passing gun control legislation and that the political ramifications of
pursuing such laws could be bad for Democrats.
The price of moral grandstanding
Politics becomes
amusing when liberalism becomes theatrical with high-minded gestures.
Chicago’s government, which is not normally known for elevated thinking, is
feeling so morally upright and financially flush that it proposes to rise above
the banal business of maximizing the value of its employees’ and retirees’
pension fund assets. Although seven funds have cumulative unfunded liabilities
of $25 billion, Chicago will sacrifice the growth of those assets to the
striking of a political pose so pure it is untainted by practicality. Emulating New York and California, two deep
blue states with mammoth unfunded pension liabilities, Chicago Mayor Rahm
Emanuel has hectored a $5 billion pension fund into divesting its holdings in
companies that manufacture firearms. Now he is urging two large banks to deny
financing to such companies “that profit from gun violence.” TD Bank provides a
$60 million credit line to Smith & Wesson, and Bank of America provides a
$25 million line to Sturm, Ruger & Company. The hypocracy of the left is unrelenting
and the plebeians are not to notice.
Joe Biden: Gun Control Laws Won’t Work, But We’ve Got To
Do Something by Tim Brown
Ah yes, the wisdom
of liberal Uncle Joe Biden, who also happens to be our Vice President. Biden
made a statement to reporters on Thursday afternoon after having lunch with
Democrat Senators at the Capitol. He basically said that even though they knew
that nothing that they do will alter or even eliminate mass shootings, that
they would have to still try and do something, ie. implement more gun control
laws. “Nothing we’re going to do is going to
fundamentally alter or eliminate the possibility of another mass shooting or
guarantee that we will bring gun deaths down to 1,000 a year from what it is
now,” he told the group of reporters. “But there are things that we can do, demonstrably can do, that have
virtually zero impact on your Second Amendment right to own a weapon for both
self defense and recreation that can save some lives,” he said. What’s
makes Biden’s comments somewhat hilarious is the fact that Politico reported
that a staffer tried to stop the gaffe master. “As a staffer tried unsuccessfully to cut Biden off repeatedly, the
vice president argued to reporters that none of the proposals would infringe on
constitutional rights.”
DHS Raids Gun Collector – Confiscates Nearly 1,500 Guns –
No Charges Filed by Tim Brown
On Wednesday, the
Department of Homeland Security, along with a SWAT team and Bernalillo County
sheriff’s deputies raided the home of Robert Adams in Albuquerque, New Mexico
and, according to a federal search warrant affidavit the raid seized nearly
1,500 firearms from the man’s home and business. However, no charges have been
filed against him, despite the fact that court documents reveal that agents had
been watching Adams for years. Neighbors say that he was a firearms collector
and some indicated that he was also a licensed gun seller. No confirmation of
that has been forthcoming. While having been watched for years and no charges
filed as they seized Adam’s firearms, Federal investigators are saying that
they are investigating him for gun smuggling, tax evasion, violating
importation laws. Something seriously
smells here. How can you be investigated for years, yet upon serving a search
warrant you don’t put forth any charges against a man when you confiscate
nearly 1,500 firearms? I wish they had taken this kind of approach to the
Obama Justice Department’s gun-walking program that trafficked nearly 2,500
firearms across the border into Mexico that has left hundreds dead. No one is
claiming that the firearms that Adams had were used in any crime! So much for
the Obama administration’s claims that they aren’t against gun collectors.
Sports shooters and hunters, you’re up next.
Poll: 53% Say Govt Threatens Freedoms
According to a new Pew Research poll, Americans are increasingly worried
about the federal government violating their rights. The survey, conducted
January 9-13, showed that 53 percent of Americans believe that the federal
government “threatens their own personal rights and freedoms,” with 43 percent
disagreeing. That is a significant uptick from March 2010, when just 47
percent said that the government threatened their freedom, with 50 percent
disagreeing. This may explain the intuitive reaction to "universal
background checks" - the government will know exactly who and where every
gun resides! So, does the second amendment have a true meaning/Value?
Evolution and inconvenient facts
In this series you may have been wondering, why I would take so much time to focus on some bones? Well, the answer is because these bones are being used to create doubt about the Word of God. And the only reason they can be used with such success is because Christians:
In this series you may have been wondering, why I would take so much time to focus on some bones? Well, the answer is because these bones are being used to create doubt about the Word of God. And the only reason they can be used with such success is because Christians:
- Don’t know what the actual evidence is!
- Don’t critically evaluate what the evidence!
- Think it doesn’t matter!
This is why we’re spending so much time on this.
This is real world evangelism and Christians must take this seriously. By the
way, when it comes to point number 3 above, it absolutely does
matter! Remember, 50% to 88% of young folks raised in the church are walking
away at age 18! Our heart is to reduce that number and we’re trying to
accomplish this by educating Christians on what the Word of God teaches and
training them to use critical thinking when evaluating current issues. So,
with that intro, let’s move onto the teaching. We’ve covered Lucy’s skull
reconstruction and her supposed humanlike “eye’s”. We’ve also discussed
the supposed humanlike hips and knees. Using secular information we’ve
shown that regardless of the big claims made about Lucy being an apelike
ancestor to humans the observational evidence doesn’t quite back that up. In
this article we’ll deal with the hands and the feet! Now, since we don’t want
to be accused of using Christian/creationist sources, I’ll make my case by
showing you a picture from Vanderbilt
University (there’s another picture of Lucy’s remains here if
you’d like to check it out).
you noticed that the observational evidence for Lucy’s hand and feet is . . . .
nothing? That’s correct, nothing! Please remember, Lucy is a single specimen
within the Australopithicus afarensis “kind” and they did not find any hand
or foot bones for the specimen called Lucy. Consider the reconstruction
Pretty loving couple, don’t you think? The
human characteristics are always added in the artwork and reconstruction.
The only problem is that it’s just not found in reality. Now, notice the
human hands and human feet on not only Lucy, but on her mate as well! And take
a look at the reconstruction of Lucy at the London Natural History Museum
Another example. Look below at the way the
hands are depicted at the St. Louis Zoo exhibit entitled the Living World.
(J. Stern & R. Susman, 1983, Am. J. Phys.
Anthropology 60:279-212)
Note that the circle with the dot inside is evidence
for AL333 (australopithecines specimen) and that it shows that the fingers were
just as curved, if not more curved than a chimpanzee. Hmmm! That isn’t what we
saw in the other pictures.
Let me give you another source showing that
Australopithecine hand bones are NOT human. Take a look at the write-up beneath
the picture below. (Thank you Rich for this!)
Anything jump out at you?? How about the line,
“These are more like the hands of living apes than they are modern human
That statement tells that observational evidence of
the hand bones is most likely that of a dead ape. So, why do they show human
hands and feet on Lucy when the observational evidence that they found
(remember, they aren’t Lucy’s bones) were more curved than a chimp?
By the way, the exact same thing is true when it
comes to the toes of Lucy. Let’s go back to the St. Louis Zoo exhibit entitled
“The Living World” and take a look at how Lucy’s foot is depicted.
familiar? Seriously, a little “Nair” and pedicure and it would look exactly
like a human’s foot. Well, what’s the truth? Let’s go back to the secular
sources and see what we can find. Notice that
the chart below shows that the toe bones they found (AL333, not Lucy) were more
curved than a chimpanzee.
Ian Tattersall, who is not a creationist, in his
book, Extinct Humans states the following:
Did you
catch that last part? “In keeping with Lucy having had long and strongly curved
finger and toe bones, as do chimpanzees and orangutans”! I rest my case. If you
see human hands and human feet on Lucy, you are being deceived! Well, we’re
almost finished with this series on Lucy. It’s my hope and prayer that you are
being encouraged to look closely at what the world is teaching and to not just
blindly accept the words of man, including me. Search for the truth in all
Are Teachers Teaching Our Kids to Be Violent? by Giacomo
There is no shortage of violence in today’s society. The most
popular video games and movies are also the most violent. Our kids are
constantly watching people shooting other people and blowing each other
up. Video games teach them how to hunt and kill everyone around them. You
would think that our kids would get some sort of respite from the violence
while they are at school, but doesn’t seem to be the case. To begin with,
they are taught that evolution is a fact and that they are the product of
millions of years of death and struggle – survival of the fittest. Only
the strong and aggressive survive while the weak are weeded out and
destroyed. The strong prey upon the weak and exert their dominance.
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