Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Right Lane 01.01.13

In pursuit of Constitutionally grounded governance, free markets and individual liberty
"There is but one straight course, and that is to seek truth and pursue it steadily." --George Washington

Bill: "I have a question"
"I thought that Congress, with a Republican majority since 2010, was in charge of funding all of the government programs.  With that in mind, how is it that the President has been able to fund all of his bogus programs and his hundreds of executive orders.  Doesn't Congress have the final authority to stop the spending?  I thought the Republicans could stop the progression of "Obamacare" by refusing to fund its parts.  Doesn't the Republican Congress have to sign off on the loans for the billion dollars that Obama poured into the environmental companies that have since gone into bankruptcy costing the taxpayers.  Should I be equally as angry at the Republicans as I am at the Democrats for the mess they are making of my Country?"
How would you answer this question?  It is a good one and one that is not in the conversation in the MSM!  Here is one consideration:
You and all of us should really be angry at Congress.  Their polling is now only 5% positive.  Yes, the house appropriates all funds.  However, it gets a little complex with "entitlement" programs.  For a lot of what Obama has been doing is (in my POV) miss-appropriating the large pool of monies authorized in the so called bailout. We gave him a boat load of money to misuse. Obama acted like a typical politician, but worse.  Just like the recent funding for the victims of Hurricane Sandy, the $60M will be misspent, count on it.

What we are witnessing is the behavior of a new "class" in our country [replacing the Blue Bloods of old]  - the "Political Class" made up of lifetime politicians.  Look up the term "politician", it explains exactly what we are seeing;  a person engaged in party politics as a profession: a person primarily interested in political office for selfish or other narrow usually short-sighted reasons. The founders plan was for the occasional citizen "statesman" to take a turn at the seat of government: Statesmen - one versed in the principles or art of government; especially : one actively engaged in conducting the business of a government or in shaping its policies: a wise, skillful, and respected political leader.  Once the citizenry has turned over all the power to corruptible politicians it is the citizen that suffers the consequences!
“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong."
--Dr. Thomas Sowell
Obama Hates America and Must Destroy the Economy by da Tagliare
For over a year now I’ve been writing about how Barack Obama hates America and is determined to destroy it by first destroying the economy.  As I watch the fiscal cliff negotiations or lack thereof, I am still firmly convinced that Obama is still out to destroy our economy and throw the country into chaos.  Once that happens, he has every legal edict in place to declare martial law and seize total and absolute control of the nation, thus effectively killing free America and establishing a new socialistic and Islamic America. I hate conspiracy theories and get annoyed with the people that talk about such conspiracies all the time, but in the case of Obama, it’s not a theory.  Everything he has done in his first four years has been detrimental to the US economy.  From Obamacare to the stimulus packages to the fiscal cliff issues, they all are economy killers. Then look at all of the entitlements he has instituted to create more poor people and keep them poor.  Remember the lady during the election bragging that she and everyone else in her area had free Obama phones?  You don’t think that’s just helping the poor, do you?  If you give the poor enough entitlements, they have no need to try to better themselves because they would lose more than they would gain by getting a job and working to provide for themselves. I have a family member that is living off the government.  If she were to get a job and provide for herself and her daughter, she would have to make close to $20 per hour to offset all of the entitlements she would lose.  ill Whittle, Stephen Green and Scott Ott: Whittles opening what if story is not a story.  That is the biography of Barack Hussein Obama.  Both of his parents hated America.  His grandfather that helped raise him hated America.  His mentors, especially Frank Marshall Davis who was an ardent socialist, hated America.  The teachers and professors that influenced him the most were all socialist and Marxists.  One of Obama’s close friends and wealthy benefactors is former terrorist Bill Ayers who openly hates America. Scott Ott is right when he concluded that the best way to stop what’s happening is for people like you to get involved with local politics and do what’s right to protect and preserve America.  I just fear that it’s not too late to make a difference, but if we value the America we once had, then we have to take action to preserve it.  Just sitting on the sidelines talking about it won’t accomplish anything.   America needs a flood of conservatives to get involved and make a difference.  If not, then all is lost.
The Politics of Poverty By Bill McAdory
Why, when the MSM discusses the poor, those in need of medical assistance and those simply in need only talk about people of color?  It's all about the politics of the poverty.  That is, if I can victimize you by convincing you, you are in the class of "poor" and "needy" then I can manipulate you!  Further, I can also convince better off  "white" people to feel guilty for allowing or participating in the plight of the "poor".  However, the numbers in the demographics of "poor" do not support the stories and images portrayed by the MSM.

Let's look at the latest full year numbers (Kaiser Family Foundation) of those in poverty poor:
White:      25,865,700
Black:      12,876,400
Hispanic: 17,134,700
Other:        5,442,400

Surprised?  You should not be and yes, those numbers are in Millions..  You should take the responsibility to know the facts when talking heads and politicians are pandering their social policies and confiscating your money for a particular group of people.  You should especially be suspect and wary when you are being made a victim or made to feel guilty for political purposes.  Further portraying people of color in the images and discussions promotes "class warfare" that again is pure politics of the left that intentionally divides our country

If my motive as a politician is to keep you on the government plantation or guilt white folks into funding (through public policy) and to keep the country divided, then I must be clever with the "…politics of poverty…".  If I only move up to the 139% level of poverty I'm now victimizing 86,370,800 people!  That is a huge voting bloc. This is a voting bloc the Democrats (progressives) have become adept at trading your money for their votes.

Further, you must have noticed how "the children" have become such a cry from the MSM and politicians.  Again, we see images of people of color while lamenting the plight of the poor.  Here are a few facts the annihilates that political rhetoric:
White:      41,547,300
Black:      10,806,800
Hispanic: 18,577,700
Other:        7,447,300

Surprised again?  That is the intent of the MSM and politicians.  Whites comprising the largest segment of the poor and having the most children in poverty does not allow the exploitation politics of "victimization" and "guilt" and class warfare!

One last set of numbers worth examining.  Remember the elderly poor?  Those 64 and under make up 86% of those in poverty while 65 and older make up only 14%.  Again, creating a separate class of "victims".

As we slip over the cliff (and we will; in a small or grand way), take stock of what you hear as to why we cannot "touch" the third rail of entitlements.  Why?  It is the life blood for the Left otherwise known as Democrats.  It is pure politics and designed to remain in power and to garner even more.  Don't be a fool, educate yourself and tell others what you have found out.  The information is there for those that care enough to look!
"A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader." --Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1779
Obama: ‘I Cut Spending by Over a Trillion Dollars in 2011’…WHAT!?
Appearing on NBCs “Meet the Press” on Sunday, President Barack Obama said that he cut spending by more than $1 trillion in 2011. However, the White House Office of Management and Budget says that federal spending increased by $147 billion from fiscal 2010 to fiscal 2011. Host David Gregory asked Obama: “Well, you talk about dysfunction in Washington. You signed this legislation setting up the fiscal cliff 17 months ago. How accountable are you for the fact that Washington can’t get anything done and that we are at this deadline again?” Obama responded: “Well, I have to tell you, David, if you look at my track record over the last two years, I cut spending by over a trillion dollars in 2011. “I campaigned on the promise of being willing to reduce the deficit in a serious way, in a balanced approach of spending cuts and tax increases on the wealthy while keeping middle class taxes low,” Obama continued. While President Obama did not cut federal spending by $1 trillion in 2011, he did increase the debt by more than $1 trillion in that fiscal year. In fiscal 2011, according to the White House Office of Management and Budget, the federal deficit was $1,299,595,000,000. That was up from a deficit of $1,293,489,000,000 in fiscal 2010.
California Crime Drops As Gun Sales Surge by Philip Hodge
Los Angeles officials recently lauded their gun buyback program on Wednesday that bribed gun owners with a Ralph’s gift card worth either $100 or $200, depending on the type of gun they turned in. On Wednesday, the LAPD collected 2,037 guns including handguns, rifles, “assault” weapons and one rocket launcher. In total, these buybacks have pulled in about 10,000 California guns since the program began in 2009. While officials are celebrating these programs and saying that these events will make California streets safer, gun sales there have shot up significantly in the past 10 years. In 2002, 350,000 guns were sold in California, but last year, over 600,000 were sold. So a couple thousand guns were turned in last week, but that’s nothing compared to the hundreds of thousands bought last year alone. What’s also telling is the overall drop in crime that corresponded to the increase in gun sales:
“Gun deaths and injuries have dropped sharply in California, even as the number of guns sold in the state has risen, according to new state data…. During that same period, the number of California hospitalizations due to gun injuries declined from about 4,000 annually to 2,800, a roughly 25 percent drop, according to hospital records collected by the California Department of Public Health. Firearm-related deaths fell from about 3,200 annually to about 2,800, an 11 percent drop, state health figures show. Most of the drop in firearm-related injuries and deaths can be explained by a well-documented, nationwide drop in violent crime. The number of California injuries and deaths attributed to accidental discharge of firearms also has fallen. The number of suicide deaths involving firearms has remained roughly constant.”
Expect the gun control advocates to attribute any drop in violent crime in California to these silly gun buyback programs. But what they don’t tell us is how many people are turning in their guns because they’re old and defunct. Maybe some of their guns aren’t even worth $25, so the prospect of getting $100 in groceries sounds like a great deal.

NYC Wants to Mandate a No-Smoking Ban in Peoples’ Homes
NYC Mayor Bloomberg is behind a secret cabal of neighborhood spies who run around convincing tenants and landlords to disallow all smoking by tenants, even within their own apartments.
The community spy groups get a $10,000 bounty for their efforts. The bounty is coming out of a grant, in other words, our tax money. This is ripe for corruption to say nothing about the whole stealth factor being unethical, sneaky, and communistic. It pits neighbor against neighbor and it demonizes people. But don’t worry, it is for the common good.  I’ve never smoked in my life and I don’t like being around cigarettes, but what right does anyone have to tell someone what they can do in their own home? Did our Bill of Rights disappear? Can’t Mayor Bloomberg look up our inherent rights on the Internet?
Did anyone doubt the government would enter our homes? Seriously, did you doubt it? In mid-November, the New York Times reported that more landlords are demanding that new renters promise not to smoke in their homes. Most are grandfathering in present tenants. Kenbar Management’s new project at 1510 Lexington Avenue which opened this month bans smoking in all 298 units, in addition to private and shared terraces. You can’t even smoke outside, not even on the sidewalk around the building. You would think smokers were spreading sarin gas. Actually the leftist PR is great and they make smoking sound as dangerous.
Fathers Disappear From Households Across America
Nicole Hawkins‘ three daughters have matching glittery boots, but none has the same father. Each has uniquely colored ties in her hair, but none has a dad present in her life.
As another single mother on Sumner Road decked her row-house stoop with Christmas lights and a plastic Santa, Ms. Hawkins recalled that her middle child’s father has never spent a holiday or birthday with her. In her neighborhood in Southeast Washington, 1 in 10 children live with both parents, and 84 percent live with only their mother. In every state, the portion of families where children have two parents, rather than one, has dropped significantly over the past decade. Even as the country added 160,000 families with children, the number of two-parent households decreased by 1.2 million. Fifteen million U.S. children, or 1 in 3, live without a father, and nearly 5 million live without a mother. In 1960, just 11 percent of American children lived in homes without fathers. America is awash in poverty, crime, drugs and other problems, but more than perhaps anything else, it all comes down to this, said Vincent DiCaro, vice president of the National Fatherhood Initiative: Deal with absent fathers, and the rest follows.
Obama’s War on Kids
Obama’s outrageous tax schemes including Obamacare are hurting our littlest Americans Watch..

Voting To Steal Someone’s Money Highlights Evils Of Democracy by Chris Graham
“I don’t care what the majority voted to do, they don’t have a right to steal my money just because they vote for it.” Thus spoke Peter Schiff on CNBC in a debate three weeks ago on raising taxes on only the wealthy. And if time is fair, this quote will become very famous the world over for its assertive though seemingly contrary moral stance and its appeal to our common sense. People who read that quote or heard Schiff say it will understand that social change through popular vote is democracy, and they will understand that Schiff is, in essence, speaking not only of, but against democracy. As we grow up, we are conditioned to believe that democracy is good and just. So in Schiff’s summation of a democratic vote and then taking it to its ultimate immoral, kleptocratic conclusion, he has hopefully engaged the curiosity and jogged the brain of those liberals who glorify democracy but who nonetheless cannot help but see the common sense of his statement (owing to Schiff’s concise use of laymen terms). “‘[A]fter the tax hikes go into effect next year…,’ said Schiff, ‘more than half of my total income is going to go to the government. You tell me, what’s fair about that when medieval serfs paid twenty-five percent, I’m paying half?I don’t care what the majority voted to do, they don’t have a right to steal my money just because they vote for it.’A man’s money is his private property. How would we feel if instead of raising his taxes by an effective $100 a month (a small number only for the sake of a simple demonstration), which will ultimately be redistributed to someone else, we simply force him to allow a lower- or middle-income citizen to enter his home and take his hundred-dollar Blu-ray player, or a hundred dollars’ worth of food, or ten music CDs? Is the man who protests to a democratic vote for his robbery of a $100 item once a month or a $1,200 item once a year any more justified in his protests than Peter Schiff, protesting against a democratic vote for his robbery of $100 a month via taxes?
The Shooting The Liberal Media Won’t Tell You About by Frank Camp
I had in mind something to write about today. I was going to write about Obama and the “rich;” about how his desired upper-income tax hike amounts to nothing more than Obama positioning himself as a Robin Hood figure in the eyes of the less fortunate, while simultaneously taxing them to death. But then a news story caught my attention. Something very important happened just two days after the disturbing shooting in Connecticut: another shooting. Why is it so important? Because the national media didn’t cover it. On December 16th, at a movie theatre in Bexar County, Texas, a gunman opened fire in the crowded theatre. Allegedly, the shooter was a disgruntled employee of a nearby restaurant. He entered the restaurant with the intent of killing his ex-girlfriend, then proceeded to the theatre to shoot more people. The details of the motive are unimportant. What is important is how he was stopped. When the gunman opened fire at the movie theatre, an off-duty Bexar county Sheriff officer, carrying a gun, shot the suspect, putting an end to the mayhem. Louis Antu, spokesman for the Sheriff’s office, said this: “She took all appropriate action to keep everyone safe in the movie theater.” The interesting twist of this story is that the national media didn’t cover it; it was only covered by local media. The reason this was not covered was because it didn’t fit within the liberal framework of gun control. Every time a mass shooting occurs, the Left jumps on the gun control bandwagon. They simply refuse to believe that guns are not the problem. It was an armed citizen that stopped the Texas gunman from taking lives; using her gun, she saved the lives of numerous people. Concealed carry laws help reduce crime, period. By allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons, criminals are less apt to commit a crime; and if a crime is being committed, armed citizens can stop it. More extreme gun control is not the answer.

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