Monday, December 31, 2012

The Politics of Poverty

The Politics of Poverty

By Bill McAdory
Why, when the MSM discusses the poor, those in need of medical assistance and those simply in need only talk about people of color?  It's all about the politics of the poor.  That is, if I can victimize you by convincing you you are in the class of "poor" and "needy" then I can manipulate you!  Further, I can also convince better off  "white" people to feel guilty for allowing or participating in the plight of the "poor".  However, the numbers in the demographics of "poor" do not support the stories and images portrayed by the MSM.

Let's look at the latest full year numbers (Kaiser Family Foundation) of those in poverty poor:
White:           25,865,700
Black:           12,876,400
Hispanic:       17,134,700
Other:           5,442,400

Surprised?  You should not be and yes, those numbers are in Millions..  You should take the responsibility to know the facts when talking heads and politicians are pandering their social policies and confiscating your money for a particular group of people.  You should especially be suspect and wary when you are being made a victim or made to feel guilty for political purposes.  Further portraying people of color in the images and discussions promotes "class warfare" that again is pure politics of the left that intentionally divides our country

If my motive as a politician is to keep you on the government plantation or guilt white folks into funding (through public policy) and to keep the country divided, then I must be clever with the "…politics of poverty…".  If I only move up to the 139% level of poverty I'm now victimizing 86,370,800 people!  That is a huge voting bloc. This is a voting bloc the Democrats (progressives) have become adept at trading your money for their votes.

Further, you must have noticed how "the children" have become such a cry from the MSM and politicians.  Again, we see images of people of color while lamenting the plight of the poor.  Here are a few facts the annihilates that political rhetoric:
White:           41,547,300
Black:           10,806,800
Hispanic:       18,577,700
Other:           7,447,300

Surprised again?  That is the intent of the MSM and politicians.  Whites comprising the largest segment of the poor and having the most children in poverty does not allow the exploitation politics of "victimization" and "guilt" and class warfare!

One last set of numbers worth examining.  Remember the elderly poor?  Those 64 and under make up 86% of those in poverty while 65 and older make up only 14%.  Again, creating a separate class of "victims".

As we slip over the cliff (and we will; in a small or grand way), take stock of what you hear as to why we cannot "touch" the third rail of entitlements.  Why?  It is the life blood for the Left otherwise known as Democrats.  It is pure politics and designed to remain in power and to garner even more.  Don't be a fool, educate yourself and tell others what you have found out.  The information is there for those that care enough to look!

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