Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Right Lane 9.11.12

We Will Never Forget

Today we remember the 2,977 victims who were killed when Islamic terrorists intentionally struck the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and only by the bravery of passengers of United Flight 93 would have struck the US Capitol.  We will never forget the nearly 8000 soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan defending our freedom since the attack in addition to the tens of thousands of our brave soldiers who have been injured protecting us from further attacks. Let us pray for the victims and their families whose lives have been forever changed. We ask that you would take a moment of silence during your busy day to honor the victims and remember just how fragile our lives and freedoms really are.


Federal Subsidies to Chicago Schools: $4 Billion in 4 Years; $10,540 Per Student

(CNSNews.com) – Taxpayers in places as divergent as Florida and Montana, Nevada and New Hampshire, Arizona and Maine–as well as their children who will eventually need to pay the interest on the federal government’s growing debt–may not think they have a stake in the Chicago teachers strike, but in fact the budgets of the Chicago Public Schools show that American taxpayers everywhere have literally billions at stake in what goes on in this one city’s public school system.  Over the past four years, the Chicago public schools have churned through total revenues of approximately $20.27 billion and about $4.26 billion of that revenue—or almost 21 percent of it—has come from the federal government.  That is $4.26 billion the federal government has either taken from Americans in federal taxes or has borrowed and added to the national debt.

 U.S. Department of Education: 79% of Chicago 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading By Terence P. Jeffrey

Seventy-nine percent of the 8th graders in the Chicago Public Schools are not grade-level proficient in reading, according to the U.S. Department of Education, and 80 percent are not grade-level proficient in math.  Chicago public school teachers went on strike on Monday and one of the major issues behind the strike is a new system Chicago plans to use for evaluating public school teachers in which student improvement on standardized tests will count for 40 percent of a teacher’s evaluation

 Obama’s Kids’ School: $34,268 a Year – Includes ‘Hot Lunch‘  By Michael W. Chapman

CNSNews.com) – While Chicago public school teachers are on strike and 350,000 children are temporarily school-less, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s kids are attending a private school that charges $26,520 a year and the children of his former boss, President Barack Obama, are attending a private school in the nation’s capital that charges $34,268 a year, which includes a “hot lunch.”

Clinton at the DNC: The Liar-In-Chief is Still Doing It by David L. Goetsch

Barack Obama’s manifest failures as president made him so desperate that he was willing to risk being upstaged at the Democrat’s National Convention (DNC) by a man he soundly dislikes: former President Bill Clinton. Predictably, Bill Clinton has profited from the fact that Americans have short memories.  We forget easily and fast. Consequently, Bill Clinton’s character flaws are now overlooked by much of the American public because he had the good fortune to inherit a wave of economic growth and prosperity and ride its crest throughout his eight years in office.  Now that memories have faded, Clinton has the temerity to claim that America’s economic good fortune during his administration was all his doing. The phenomenon is called selective memory.  Someone needs to explain the difference between executive talent and fortunate timing to the former president. But that is a subject for another column at another time.  This column deals with the fact that the man who was able to look directly into the camera and say “I did not have sex with that woman” has not lost his touch.  He can still utter distortions and twist facts with the sincerity of a trusted grandfather.  The worldwide web is full of articles that analyze Clinton’s speech line-by-line, noting the inaccuracies and distortions in it.  Consequently, I will focus here on just one issue: unemployment.  Bill Clinton actually had the gall to tell Americans—23 million of whom spend their days standing in the unemployment line with little or no hope of finding a job—that they are better off now than they were when Barack Obama took office or, in other words, back when they had jobs. I suppose that if you are going to lie on national television, you might as well tell a whopper.

Report: Obama Misses Over Half His Intelligence Briefings

This isn’t the first time a Government Accountability Institute study has caused controversy. In July, a GAI analysis of President Obama’s calendar found that the president has spent just 412 hours in economic meetings of any kind throughout his presidency versus the over 600 hours he’s spent golfing.

 Washington Post-ABC News poll – Skewed Polls

Respondents self identified:
Democrat               33%
Republican             23%
Independent           37%
Other                     4%
Dont know              3%

Washington Post-ABC News poll

he CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll official reports Obama at 52 to percent and Mitt Romney at 46 percent. Unskewed, the data reveals a 53 percent to 45 percent lead for Romney. The sample for the CNN/ORC poll includes 50.4 percent Democrats and 45.4 percent Republicans and appears to have only 4.2 percent independents. This means independents are under-sampled 25 percent while Democrats are over-sampled 12.1 percent. Both of those are larger variations in sampling than seen in most polls that are likewise skewed by such sampling variations.
“There is not a single instance in history in which civil liberty was lost, and religious liberty preserved entire. If therefore we yield up our temporal property, we at the same time deliver the conscience into bondage.” –John Witherspoon, The Dominion of Providence Over the Passions of Men, 1776

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