Saturday, August 4, 2012

Who Owns You?

The Declaration of Independence is often overlooked in the heated rhetoric of the this election season. The words in the declaration were not chosen lightly. The founders worked diligently to make one point clear. The owner of one's person is the person themselves. That distinction was not trivial but the foundation of our political system. It declared that the person and all his labor belonged to him. Not the government. This idea was born out of writings and experiments dating back to the 1500's. This country has slide into a culture of believing the government knows best and can be relied upon to solve all of societies problems. This is simply not true; in a historical context and a current events context. History is strewn with examples of failures and out right despotism with power vested in government.

Did the United States (by the way a Republic of States) become the most powerful nation in the world because of the government? No, it became so because of the industry, risk taking and resoluteness of its citizenry. A society that was unbound by a central government and free from and free to do whatever it chose to do to accomplish success. Has it been a perfect journey? No, but successful no doubt.

Free people that can make individual choices and be self accountable and responsible have demonstrated through out history to be the most successful. Any form of confiscatory central government has always failed.

The choice for U.S. citizen facing them is do you want to own yourself and be accountable for your success and failures or do you want to be owned through confiscatory measures by a central government that by design makes choices for you in the name of fairness, equality and the general welfare?

For me, the choice is clear. A limited central government with limited powers is for me. I want to own myself and be free to choose my own path in life; not one chosen by some distant power that cannot make decisions for millions. It may be disastrous or successful; I will be accountable and survive one way or another.

When you give up choice, your money and your ability to be accountable for self, you are owned by another. Does this sound absolutist? It should, because it is. The best example I can give to anyone is when we were children living in our parents house. I don't want nor do I need for the government to be my parents

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