Tuesday, November 25, 2014



Anonymous Attorney, Ohio

If nothing else, President Barack Obama’s executive decision to grant amnesty to a large subsection of illegal immigrants has polarized the country more than any other action he has taken in his six years as president. Praise from his constituent left has been as joyous as condemnation from his antagonist right has been shrill. As a Catholic lawyer, my own thoughts about this action are deeply conflicted. Powerful, persuasive commitments pull me both ways.

On the one hand, I am sympathetic to the argument that the president is flaunting the rule of law. In his speech Thursday night, he said that illegals “can come out of the shadows and get right with the law.” But that is not what will happen. The law has not changed, and will not change. The people that will benefit from this action will still be in the United States in violation of laws in the U.S. Code.

Their presence here will still be illegal.

The president is simply not going to execute these laws, despite his obligation under the Constitution to do so, and despite his oath that he would do so faithfully. Let us not parse it: This is a lawless act by what many see (and perhaps rightly so) as a lawless president. The president’s cynical caveat that this does not open the door to citizenship because “only Congress can do that” is laughingly disingenuous. The president has hurt himself and his office in deeply significant ways. On the other hand, I write these words on the weekend that a broad swath of Christians celebrate as the Feast of Christ the King. This feast reminds Christians that our first allegiance is to God, who is not bound by, or interested in, national and political boundaries. Indeed, this is a God who has no regard for such boundaries.

This is a God who has commanded Christians and Jews to welcome, love, and embrace the stranger, motivated by the powerful narrative of the Egyptian captivity. “The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you,” says Leviticus 19:34; “you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” Why does the accidental place of my birth give me a privilege over those who, by similar chance, found themselves citizens of a hostile, oppressive, or hopelessly impoverished country?

And of course, this is also the threshold of Advent, in which Christians begin to anticipate the arrival of a stranger among us. This was a stranger born to two immigrants, who found themselves in an inhospitable and unwelcoming land that was not their own. And he was a stranger who soon was forced to flee to an even stranger land, in order to avoid death from a jealous ruler.

Of course this analogy is far from exact, and I have already lamented the president’s lawlessness. But as a Catholic Christian, I cannot avoid the power of the narratives of Israel’s escape from, and the Holy Families’ refuge in, a strange land.

I invite others to join me in not simply having a knee-jerk reaction to immigration as a political issue, but in taking inventory of our priorities and prejudices, and balancing those against our commitment to the rule of law and the need for orderly progress. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Immigration Executive Order -- All Smoke and Mirrors

Immigration Executive Order -- All Smoke and Mirrors

The Demos' REAL "Immigration Reform" Strategy
By Mark Alexander

"The bosom of America is open to receive not only the Opulent and respectable Stranger, but the oppressed and persecuted of all Nations and Religions; whom we shall welcome to a participation of all our rights and privileges, if by decency and propriety of conduct they appear to merit the enjoyment." --George Washington (1783)

So, the Imperial President claims that, because Republicans are not passing the immigration "reform" legislation that best suits the Democratic Party's political agenda, he is going to bypass Congress and issue an executive order (EO).

Don't believe it.

Oh, Barack Obama is going to center stage Thursday night to set up his EO play, and sign that diktat Friday in Las Vegas -- a fitting venue for a gutless gamble by a "big hat, no cattle" dude rancher. But what is the Demos' real strategy?

In leftist parlance, "immigration reform" means providing a jackpot to illegal aliens -- giving them official status so they can work and receive all associated taxpayer-subsidized services like housing, schooling and medical care. Once integrated, the second step is to provide a fast-track to citizenship. In other words, for Democrats, immigration reform means, first and foremost, seeding a large constituency.

But is Obama really attempting to give millions of illegal immigrants worker status?
In 2008, then President-elect Obama declared, "I can guarantee that we will have, in the first year, an immigration bill that I strongly support." In 2009 and 2010, Obama had the benefit of Democrat Party control of both the House and Senate, however, his congressional Demos never passed an amnesty bill and thus he did not sign one.

Because he and his fellow Democrats were just pandering to Latinos; they had no intention of passing legislation to provide worker permits for five to 10 million illegal immigrants.

Because another larger and more critical Democrat voter constituency is composed of low-income Americans, whom the Left baits with class warfare rhetoric centered on issues like "living wages" and increasing the minimum wage - Blacks!

As my daughter, a university student working toward a business degree, framed this issue, "Labor inflation results in wage deflation." In other words, the Democrats really don't want to dump millions of immigrant laborers, who are willing to take low wages, onto their dependable American low-income constituency, because that will, in effect, drive wages even lower. This is a fundamental supply-and-demand equation.

Just before Democrats were shellacked during the midterm "Republican wave," Obama borrowed a line from The Gipper for a national campaign interview: "Ronald Reagan used to ask the question, 'Are you better off than you were four years ago?' In this case, are you better off than you were in six? And the answer is, the country is definitely better off than we were when I came into office." But according to BO, the problem is the American people "don't feel it," and he insisted, "The reason they don't feel it is because incomes and wages are not going up."
Of course, the reason for wage stagnation is that Obama's economic "recovery" policies have been a colossal failure. On top of that, the influx of cheap illegal immigrant labor effectively caps any increase in wages for unskilled workers.

Democrats argue raising the minimum wage will protect their low-wage constituents, but that is a fabrication. As the Congressional Budget Office made clear, artificially increasing wages will decrease employment.
The issue of immigrant labor undermining the ability of low-income earners to achieve a "living wage" is nothing new. A primary reason Abraham Lincoln did not emancipate slaves at the onset of the War Between the States is that the influx of black labor into northern markets competing for jobs held by white laborers would have undermined Lincoln's political support from the latter.

The great abolitionist Frederick Douglass was so angry with Lincoln for delaying the liberation of some slaves that he scarcely contacted him before 1863, noting that Lincoln was loyal only "to the welfare of the white race." Apparently, more than a few Latino politicos are equally disenchanted with Obama's failure to provide immigrant work permits.

So what of Obama's EO?
The Demo strategy is to craft that EO in such a way that Republicans can successfully chip away at it, primarily by defunding and de-authorizing key components of its implementation, as well as by issuing legal challenges. Thus, Democrats will receive credit from both their legal and illegal Latino constituencies for, ostensibly, attempting to provide them with nine million Permanent Residency or Employment Authorization cards. Then they can blame those "obstructionist" Republicans for blocking them.

This week, Senate Democrats, in a letter to Obama supporting his EO plan, made clear their intent to share in the political fruits of this charade.

Obama, as we've often noted, is a master of the BIG Lie, and, just like the litany of lies that he and his party used to deceive Americans into supporting ObamaCare, they are also deceiving millions of Americans into believing Democrats support both "living wages" and "immigration reform."

Apparently, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) got it right when he interrupted Obama's 2009 introduction of ObamaCare to a joint session of Congress and the nation. "You lie! You lie!" Wilson memorably yelled.

Indeed, "lack of transparency" and "the stupidity of the American voter," in the words of ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber, are also applicable to Obama's low-wage and Latino constituencies in regard to amnesty by EO. Of course, there is plenty of evidence that Obama constituents are too ignorant to know they're being duped -- after all, they elected him. Twice.

Not only do Democrats assume their constituents are too stupid to understand Obama's amnesty EO subterfuge, but Obama is willing to, once again, turn constitutional Rule of Law on end to accomplish this deceit.

Last week, Obama declared his intent to issue the immigration EO: "I indicated to Speaker Boehner several months ago that if in fact Congress failed to act I would use all the lawful authority that I possess to try to make the system work better."

Of course, "lawful authority" is whatever Obama defines it to be at a given time. He was against unlawful executive orders before he was for them.

On March 31, 2008, candidate Obama said, "I take the Constitution very seriously. The biggest problems that we are facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that's what I intend to reverse when I'm president of the United States of America."

But having failed to pass immigration reform in his first two years in office when he owned the House and Senate, and then having lost control of the House in the 2010 midterm election, Obama repeatedly pleaded in Latino forums that he had no power to implement the changes he'd promised. Rebuffing calls that he legislate by executive order, Obama insisted, "I am not a dictator. I'm the president. ... If in fact I could solve all these problems without passing laws in Congress then I would do so. ... I'm not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed."
Obama may not have implemented his immigration policies by EO, but he certainly suspended enforcement of immigration laws with an executive order.

But by 2014, with his singular centerpiece legislation -- ObamaCare -- falling apart, and Democrats putting as much distance between him and them as possible, Obama believed the only way his party could stave off a resounding defeat in the midterm election was if he delivered Latino votes.

He began the year promising, "Where Congress isn't acting, I'll act on my own. ... I've got a pen ... and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward." In other words, when Republicans don't give Obama what he wants on immigration, he will pull an executive order end run.

Obama has broadly demonstrated his willingness to end-run our Constitution via EO, most notably his so-called "climate change" policies and his repeated rewrites of ObamaCare.
Asked about his revised position to implement amnesty by executive order, Obama regurgitated this spin: "Well, actually, my position hasn't changed. When I was talking to the advocates, their interest was in me, through executive action, duplicating the legislation that was stalled in Congress. ... There are certain limits to what falls within the realm of prosecutorial discretion in terms of how we apply existing immigration laws."

Of course, that is just more constitutional obfuscation. Despite his faux devotion to our Constitution, Obama has wantonly violated his oath to "to Support and Defend" it.

Though Obama claims to be a "professor of constitutional law," a genuine constitutional scholar, George Washington University's Jonathan Turley, a self-acknowledged liberal Obama supporter, has issued severe criticism of Obama's "über presidency," his abuse of executive orders and regulations to bypass Congress.

According to Turley, "When the president went to Congress and said he would go it alone, it obviously raises a concern. There's no license for going it alone in our system, and what he's done, is very problematic. He's told agencies not to enforce some laws [and] has effectively rewritten laws through active interpretation that I find very problematic."

He continued:
 "What's emerging is an imperial presidency, an über presidency. ... When a president can govern alone, he can become a government unto himself, which is precisely the danger that the Framers sought to avoid in the establishment of our tripartite system of government. ... Obama has repeatedly violated this [separation of powers] doctrine in the circumvention of Congress in areas ranging from health care to immigration law to environmental law. ... What we are witnessing today is one of the greatest challenges to our constitutional system in the history of this country. We are in the midst of a constitutional crisis with sweeping implications for our system of government. ... We are now at the constitutional tipping point for our system. ... No one in our system can 'go it alone' -- not Congress, not the courts, and not the president."

When asked by Fox News host Megyn Kelly how he would respond "to those who say many presidents have issued executive orders on immigration," Turley responded, "This would be unprecedented, and I think it would be an unprecedented threat to the balance of powers. ... I hope he does not get away with it."

Over on Obama's MSNBC network, even leftist commentator Lawrence O'Donnell finds the prospect of Obama's executive amnesty diktat daunting. He asked Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT) about Obama's authority to issue an EO giving work permits to millions of illegal immigrants: "No one at the White House has been able to give me the legal justification for the following component of the president's plan. ... Has the White House told you -- what is the legal justification for the president to create a new category of beneficiaries for work documents? How can that be done without legislation?"

Of course, Welch could not answer O'Donnell, because there is no such authority.
Before the midterm election, Obama declared, "Make no mistake, [my] policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them." Make no mistake: The American people resoundingly rejected his policies on November 4.

That notwithstanding, Obama has dismissed the election results. Perhaps he believes his immigration EO artifice will deliver enough Latino voters to Democrat candidates in 2016 to hold the presidency and regain the Senate, and somehow that will restore his "Dear Leader" status. After all, more than a million illegal immigrants were unlawfully registered to vote in the midterm election, particularly in states where Democrats have thwarted efforts to require voter IDs.

The bottom line for Republicans is that they need to drive home four points.

First, the "immigration reform" pledges by Obama and his Democrats are disingenuous because they would undermine the Left's entire "living wage" platform. But Democrats believe their low-income and Latino constituencies are too stupid to understand this ruse. Remember: "Labor inflation results in wage deflation."

Second, as Dr. Turley noted, Obama is willing to trash the Constitution in order to advance his ruinous policies. Republicans need to use his abject abuse of power and the threat it poses to Liberty as a constitutional teachable moment.

Third, any debate about immigration is useless unless it begins with a commitment to securing our borders first. As Ronald Reagan declared, "A nation without borders is not a nation." Likewise, it must address the issue of so-called "birthright citizenship," which is a gross misinterpretation of our Constitution's 14th Amendment.

And last, Republicans need to embrace the fact that Liberty is colorblind. It's not a "white thing." Essential Liberty is timeless. And because it transcends all racial, ethnic, gender and class distinctions, it will appeal to all freedom-loving people when properly presented.

Time to see what the incoming House and Senate Republican majorities are made of!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Gov. Jindal: 'I Don't Think the President Should Shut Down the Government'

Gov. Jindal: 'I Don't Think the President Should Shut Down the Government'

"I don't think the president should shut down the government to try to break the Constitution," Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal told a flustered Chuck Todd Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press." Todd had just asked Jindal, "If the president goes through with his executive action (on immigration), do you think Republicans and Capitol Hill ought to use even the power of shutting down the government to stop him from doing it?"

"Two things," Jindal responded. "I don't think the president should shut down the government to try to break the Constitution. The reality is this. I do think the---Todd interrupted: "You think that the president would be shutting down the government?" "Oh, absolutely--" Jindal said.

"And so, you do want Republicans to fight him on this, to the point that it could shut down the government," Todd interrupted.

"I don't think the president should shut down the government," Jindal repeated.

"You're twisting my question," Todd complained. "That means you want that kind of showdown."
"Let's step back and understand what we're talking about," Jindal said. "So the president said, 'I want to break the law.' He purposely said I’m going to wait till after the election, because I know it's not going to be popular to grant amnesty to millions of folks...that are here illegally. We had an election. He said his policies were on the ballot.

"He lost in red states, purple states, blue states. The American people overwhelmingly ejected and rejected his policies. Now he's saying, 'I'm still going to break the law.' Talk about arrogance. This president used to say, 'Elections have consequences.' We're talking about how can the Congress force the president to follow the law.

"I would expect even Democrats who may agree with him on substance, to say the right way to do this is to follow the Constitution, follow the law. No, we shouldn't shut down the government, but absolutely Republicans should do everything they can to force the president to follow the law.

"Let's secure the border and no, the president shouldn't shut down the government so that he can break the law."

Liar Lies About Lies

Liar Lies About Lies

Facing growing questions about the BIG Lies used to sell ObamaCare to the American people, Barack Obama protests too much. As numerous videos surfaced of MIT professor and ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber talking about the "stupidity" of American voters and the like, Democrats have denied even knowing the man. “No. I did not" mislead the American people, Obama said. "The fact that an adviser who was never on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters is not a reflection on the actual process that was run." Technically, no, Gruber was never on staff, but the government did pay him nearly $400,000 for his services. Obama challenged the media to find more old videos of the bill's debate, because, he said, "I think it's fair to say there was not a provision in the health care law that was not extensively debated and was fully transparent -- it was a tough debate." There he goes again. Obama was the chief liar -- his if you like your plan, no added debt, no abortion funding, lower premiums promises were transparently false. For him to deny all this now is a bridge too far.

These are perhaps the most dangerous times!

These are perhaps the most dangerous times!

The President apparently met "off the record" with several protest leaders from Ferguson MO, to tell them to "stay the course".  The dangling question is why a sitting President would be weighing in before a grand jury has even announced its intent on the indictment of a white police officer who shot a black teen.

We know that Eric Holder is heavily involved in the investigation and it would be reasonable to assume that the Administration already knows of has a pretty good idea of what the grand jury is going to decide. If the evidence does not support an indictment, which many believe it will not, we can expect riots and civil unrest in Ferguson and the greater St. Louis area.

In the tradition of "never let a good crisis go to waste", if and when the rioting starts, expect the President to unleash a barrage of Executive Orders granting amnesty to illegal aliens, opening up the border more than it already is and hitting business with more regulation in the name of stopping global warming, a science that has been proven to be a fraud.

While the entire news media is busy reporting on riots, what better time to destroy as much of America's founding principles as possible before the new Republican Senate is sworn in mid January. This is the dream of the left and a good explanation of why a Presidential administration was so quick to jump into the controversy in Ferguson.

We are fearful of what may happen in Ferguson but are not going to let the distraction stop us from watching and fighting against a blatant abuse of power by the President or anyone else. As a co-equal branch of government, Congress has the power to stop Obama's overreach or impeach and remove him from office if necessary.

Only enough pressure from "We the People" will give Congress the backbone to do the right thing.

Help keep the pressure on. These are perhaps the most dangerous times we have seen in our lifetimes and letting our guard down now could be disastrous. Let your representatives know where you stand and demand they take appropriate action!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

There’s no mystery to the midterm shellacking

There’s no mystery to the midterm shellacking

By Kathleen Parker

Post election analysis falls somewhere between amusing and clueless.

In the amusing camp are Democratic strategists who intone that more Democrats would have won if only more people had voted. The gods surely blush with envy.

And of course, there’s the conventional wisdom that Democrats always suffer in midterms because they lack “intensity,” meaning they don’t care, and that presidents are always unpopular in their sixth year in office.

So much for insight.

Next we visit the clueless camp where professional pundits gather. The consensus here is that the election wasn’t a mandate for Republicans to overhaul government. I confess that I was one of these, but (mark your calendars) I was wrong. There is a difference between warning victors against the end-zone prance, as many of us did, and denying that Republicans were hired to do a job.

There’s also no denying that the midterms were a referendum on President Barack Obama. The president prefers to say they were a referendum on his policies, which is perhaps an easier pill to swallow. But Obama is his policies, which happen to rub many Republicans (and at least a few Democrats) the wrong way.

Moreover, people don’t like being insulted and misled, as many feel they have been by this administration. This is not just a feeling but a demonstrable fact, especially vis-avis the Affordable Care Act. And it’s not just the far-right fringe who object to the strategic misrepresentations along the way.

These obfuscations include telling the American people that they could keep the insurance they had if they liked it and also writing the law in such a way that the ACA’s mandate to purchase government-approved insurance was not a “tax,” despite the Internal Revenue Service’s role in policing its compliance.

The keep-your-insurance ruse is history now, but the memory still lingers in the minds of voters, who, contrary to what the Obama White House thinks, are not stupid.

There’s no dishonor – and it certainly isn’t stupid – to not understand the ACA. The then-Democratic-controlled Congress that passed the thing didn’t even understand it. I’d wager that most still don’t.

Punditry aside, there’s no mystery to the midterm shellacking.

It was a loud, clear shout-out to Congress to Just Stop It. Not only stop Obamacare, which more likely will end up being tweaked, but to stop executive overreach and disinformation to sway votes while betraying voters.

Those who feel defrauded by their own government got third-party confirmation recently when remarks by one of the ACA’s chief architects, MIT economist Jonathan Gruber – invoking the stupidity of voters and lauding the political advantage of a lack of transparency in government – went viral.

It is a beautiful thing when Truth trots out the door before Oops can catch him.

The comments were made on a panel about a year ago but were released a week after the midterms. Gruber was making the point that Obamacare never would have passed if the administration had been honest about the fact that the so-called “penalty” for noncompliance with the mandate was really a tax.

“And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing [Obamacare] to pass.” The irony is that the very thing the White House was trying to conceal (because the truth was just too complicated for regular folks), the Supreme Court essentially confirmed. Enforcement of the mandate constituted a tax, not a penalty. Thus spake Chief Justice John Roberts.

This ruling, indeed, was the reason the ACA was able to go forward, which is why so many Republicans were apoplectic with Robert’s siding with the liberals in a 5-4 ruling. In other words, Obama’s obfuscation was simultaneously revealed and rewarded by the court. And the American people were smacked with a health-system overhaul many more would have rejected had they known the truth.

Or would they? It’s hard to know what might have happened if truth had won the day. But we do know that truth squandered is trust lost.

We also know that once trust is gone, it’s very hard to restore. Over time, and not just during this administration, we have lost trust in one institution after another. But when we have lost faith in our government, we have lost faith in ourselves.

At their core, the midterms were really about restoring that trust. This, it seems, is the mandate that precedes all others and will require the good faith efforts of both Democrats and Republicans. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

ObamaCare Author Meant His 'Stupid Americans' Comment

ObamaCare Author Meant His 'Stupid Americans' Comment

Jonathan Gruber is eating his words. The MIT professor and author of ObamaCare was caught on video calling American voters stupid and saying he wrote the health care bill in a confusing way because "lack of transparency is a huge political advantage." Now, he's running damage control. First came the non-apology explaining the comments away. Gruber told MSNBC, "I was speaking off the cuff. And I basically spoke inappropriately, and I regret having made those comments." He regrets getting caught. Then came the diversionary attack. Gruber told a Boston TV station that it's the Republicans who are trying to confuse the electorate. "I think that this comes to the master strategy of the Republican Party," he said, "which is to confuse people enough about the law so that they don't understand that the subsidies they're getting is because of the law." But then Fox News aired a second video clip in which Gruber was recorded once again saying, "The American voters are too stupid the understand the difference." So much for an "off the cuff" comment, Gruber lied for the Left to get its way.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

VETERANS DAY A History of Service & Sacrifice

VETERANS DAY A History of  Service & Sacrifice

World War I resulted in the deaths of 9 million soldiers, sailors, and airmen. The “War To End All Wars” ended at 11 a.m., November 11th, 1918. The leaders decided to cease fighting on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, but the shelling continued until the final seconds as commanders tried in vain to take more territory before the war ended. American Henry Gunther was killed 60 seconds before the fighting stopped. Acting against orders of his sergeant, Gunther fixed his bayonet and charged astonished German troops who were aware the armistice was nearly upon them. They tried to warn the American soldier to stop his attack, but in the end they stopped his charge with a burst of machinegun fire. He was officially the last American killed during what was at that time known simply as “The Great War.”

Soldiers returned home from the trenches of France with horror stories—the likes of which the world had never before heard—and small groups of grateful citizens realized there had to be some small way to repay the debt of this battlefield sacrifice.

At first, November 11th was celebrated as Armistice Day. But the prediction that the horrors of the Great War would be terrible enough to cause nations and their leaders to avoid another conflict did not prove correct. World War I only got its current official name after the next worldwide conflict that would take millions more lives. The surprise Sunday morning attack on Pearl Harbor drew the United States into a war that had already caused tremendous casualties around the Pacific Rim and across much of Europe.

By the time World War II had ended, American soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines had witnessed and survived horrors that were unthinkable back in 1918. US Troops in France, World Battlefields across Europe, Asia, Africa, and all the world’s oceans would sometimes take tens of thousands of lives per month. Pilots and aircrews were blown from the sky. Sailors disappeared into the icy depths. And on land, soldiers and Marines faced enemies who seemed willing to commit any atrocity in their effort to promote and advance their ideology. In many cases, the images and the true stories were hidden from the American public, because the truth was deemed just too inflammatory for those on the home front to see. But the men and women who spent time “in theater” were once again asked to bear the weight of unspeakable sacrifice.

And when World War II ended in a blinding white flash on a southern Japanese island, people once again looked for a way to thank those who lived through the hellish battles and incredible sacrifices required to protect the nation. The holiday set aside for those who survived “The Great War” became a day to honor all those who served. On June 1st, 1954, the United States Congress officially replaced the word “Armistice” with the word “Veterans” in order to honor all those who served in the Unites States Armed Forces.

Even the horrors of World War II could not convince world leaders that war was not the answer to their differences. Within five years, Americans were fighting and freezing in Korea. Just over a decade after that, blood was flowing in the jungles of Vietnam. And, lest anyone think that American service members had it easy while serving between major conflicts, there are many “forgotten” events that required the service and sacrifice of those who wear the uniform and serve beneath the flag. Each of these “incidents” made news for a week before slipping off the front pages and drifting into obscurity. But those who were there—those who volunteered to serve and witnessed, first-hand, the struggles required to keep free people free—will never forget places like Beirut, The Gulf of Sidra, Mogadishu, Grenada, Berlin, the Balkans, the Port of Aden, and the countless other locations that never made the national news, but still hold memories for the few who stood between America and her enemies.

As the 21st Century dawned, the United States once again felt the fury of a surprise airborne attack and soon this nation’s sons and daughters were once again called to fight. Tens of thousands once again answered the call. And, as is true of every military operation: All gave some, and some gave all. You see, every single veteran, regardless of the branch of service or the time at which he or she served, wrote a blank check to the United States of America. That check could be redeemed for anything, up to and including the life of the service member.

Those who served did so knowing that they could be sent anywhere and asked to do almost anything in support of policies they did not create and could not amend. They made this promise because they believed they could make a difference as part of an organization dedicated to service and sacrifice. Each of them chose to become part of something bigger than the sum of its parts.

To every man and every woman who has served, who will serve, and who continues to serve; from each branch of the military, know that your commitment to our nation and the freedoms we cherish every day, will never go unnoticed. Your country is forever in your debt and will be forever grateful for your service.

Monday, November 10, 2014

THE CRUSADES: A Direct Response To Islam’s Blood-lust

THE CRUSADES: A Direct Response To Islam’s Blood-lust

by Audrey Russo 

Most of us infidels in the West have been lied to. Trusting the education system, foolishly, we believed all the bunk bundled into our textbooks concerning the period in history (1096 AD -1272 AD) when the Crusades took place…they left out an itty bitty piece of info…This will be great for all your “enlightened” friends…

The real reason WHY the Crusades took place…and here’s the shocker: It was a response to Islam’s aggression!

That’s right…it all began with Muhammed’s implicit threat more than 450 years before the Crusaders entered Jerusalem. He said: “embrace Islam and you will be safe.” (Muhammed’s extortion letter to the Khaibar Jews)

Some facts for your ill-informed friends/family/colleagues:
The Crusades were a delayed response for CENTURIES of Muslim aggression, that grew ever fiercer in the 11th Century. The Muslims focused on Christians and Jews…forcing conversions, plundering and mortally wounding apostates.

The Crusades were a DEFENSIVE action, first called for by Pope Urban II in 1095 at the Council of Clermont.

The Crusades were a response against Jihad, which is obligatory against non-Muslims entering “Muslim lands’”. (Muslim lands are any lands invaded and conquered by Islam.)

The motives of the Crusaders were pure. They were jihad-provoked and not imperialistic actions against a “peaceful”, native Muslim population. The Crusades were NOT for profit, but rather to recover the Holy Land brutally invaded and conquered by Muslims…who conquered for profit and as a notch on their superiority belt.

The lands conquered by the Crusaders were NOT colonized under the Byzantine Empire. The Empire withdrew its support so the Crusaders renounced their agreement.
The Islamic world ripped through the Christian world on a bloody Jihad crusade to propagate Islam. Muslim imperialistic conquest wars were launched for more than 1,500 years against hundreds of nations and over millions of square miles (larger than the British Empire at its peak). The Jihad crusade went from southern France to the Philippines, from Austria to Nigeria, and from central Asia to New Guinea.

The dictionary defines imperialism as “the policy and practice of seeking to dominate the economic and political affairs of weaker countries.” This historical Islamic Jihad WAS imperialistic…and its goals remain the same.

Islam’s greed and lust for bloody domination of non-Muslims and their property CAUSED the Crusades…it doesn’t get simpler than that!

Shalom through strength

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Abandon the scholar-athlete charade

Abandon the scholar-athlete charade

By Walter E. Williams

Last year’s column “Dishonest Educators” (Jan. 9, 2013) reported on the largest school cheating scandal in U.S. history. In more than three-quarters of the 56 Atlanta schools investigated, teachers changed student answers on academic achievement tests. Cheating orders came directly from school administrators. The cheating was brazen. One teacher told a colleague, “I had to give your kids, or your students, the answers because they’re dumb as hell.” Atlanta’s not alone. Teacher cheating has been discovered in other cities, such as Philadelphia, Houston, New York, Detroit, Baltimore, Los Angeles and Washington.

Rampant academic cheating is not confined to primary and secondary schools. Cheating occurs in the nation’s colleges, as discovered during an investigation at the Chapel Hill campus of the University of North Carolina, the state’s flagship university. Over two decades, more than 3,100 students enrolled in and received credit for taking nonexistent phantom classes in the university’s department of African and African-American studies. Nearly 50 percent of the students taking the phantom classes were athletes on the university’s football and basketball teams.

Students officially enrolled in African and African-American studies lecture courses that never met. According to a university-commissioned report, Deborah Crowder, the department’s administrative assistant, required students to turn in a single paper. The papers were often largely plagiarized or padded with fluff. The students were given A’s or B’s after a cursory read. The classes were widely known on campus as “paper classes.” The department’s chairman, Julius Nyang’oro, was the professor of record for many of the fake classes. The university’s academic support program for student-athletes notified both Nyang’oro and Crowder of what grades students needed “to remain academically or athletically eligible.”

Professor Nyang’oro retired in 2012, after news of the scheme came to light. A grand jury indicted him on a felony charge for taking money for a class he didn’t teach. Recently, the state’s district attorney’s office dismissed the charges against Nyang’oro because of his cooperation with former federal prosecutor Kenneth Wainstein’s investigation into athletic and academic issues at the university. So far, nine university employees have been fired or are under disciplinary review. Let’s look at the motivation for this gross academic fraud. If you said follow the money, go to the head of the class. UNC’s basketball team generates $20 million in profits for the university. Football generates $22 million. Basketball and football coaches are paid salaries in excess of $2 million. The only way a university can pay those salaries and generate that kind of revenue is to assemble a winning team. That means many universities are more interested in an athlete’s playing skills than in his academic skills. In other words, whether a student can read, write and compute means little compared with whether he can slam-dunk a basketball or make touchdowns.

Last week, UNC Chancellor Carol Folt issued an apology and an institutional mea culpa. It has a hollow ring. She must have been aware of the efforts of Mary Willingham, the whistleblower academic adviser at UNC who had spoken out against the gross fraud regarding the academic performance of revenue-sport athletes. Plus, former UNC basketball player Rashad McCants told ESPN that he received top grades in classes that did not require attendance and that he turned in papers that tutors wrote for him.

This cheating scandal raises another issue, namely that of exploiting athletes for the benefit of universities. I think that the time has come to abandon the athlete-scholar charade. Universities ought to pay athletes a competitive salary in line with everyone else involved in college sports. Most basketball and football players will see their playing days end when they leave college. Many players who participate in university fraud in order to maintain their player eligibility are black. Where will they end up when they graduate in possession of a fraudulent college degree other than sad, embittered, used and having nowhere to turn?

While UNC’s cheating agenda has been fully exposed, I’d bet the rent money that similar fraudulent practices are widespread at other universities, and whistleblowers should come forth.

Is The Man In the White House Mentally Ill?

Is The Man In the White House Mentally Ill?

By Dave Daubenmire 

I am not asking this with my tongue in my cheek. I am as serious as a judge. As I sit here and write, I am listening to Mr. Obama's press conference. Something is very wrong with this guy. He is either mentally ill or demon possessed. Either choice is a possibility. But something is definitely wrong with him. He seems somehow inhuman.

I've lived my entire life in a world of athletic competition. I understand the human emotion that is associated with winning and losing. I grew up with the opening theme of ABC's Wide World of Sports continuously playing in my head. (If I close my eyes I can hear the voice of Jim McKay bouncing around the corners of my brain.)

"Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sports... the thrill of victory... and the agony of defeat... the human drama of athletic competition... This is "ABC's Wide World of Sports!"

The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat brings with it emotions. That is why we watch sports. We love the human drama of athletic competition. That's why we have press conferences after games. We love to hear the emotional reaction to winning and losing.
President Obama is a hollow man. He has no feelings. He feels no emotions. The human drama of competition seems to have no outward effect on him.

Can I be blunt? He got his butt kicked. Every talking head on the tube is pointing the finger at his unpopularity. "The bloom is off of the rose. It is a direct repudiation of his policies. The era of Obama is over." It is as if everyone knows it but him.

Politics is nothing more than a beauty contest, and Obama has been voted off of the island. But he acts as if he still owns the island. There seems to be no agony in his defeat. It is not normal. His emotions do not line up with reality. He is either sick, or he is possessed. I'm not laughing. I am serious.

His party rejected him. The American people rejected him. His fawning media has turned their affections in a different direction, yet he shows no emotion. I watch him on the TV. I watch him in his press conference. I watch his eyes as he responds to the media's questions. I believe he is a sick, dangerous man.

I Googled the word 'sociopath.' "A person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience."

Bingo. That's him. That's the guy living the life of President of the United States.
I went a bit further and Googled "Characteristics of a Sociopath." Read it for yourself. Permit me to summarize. You recognize his/any mental illness by these traits.
-An oversized ego.
-Lying and showing manipulative behavior.
-Incapable of showing empathy.
-Lack of shame or remorse.
-Staying eerily calm in dangerous situations.
-Behaving irresponsibly or with extreme impulsivity.
-Having few close friends.
-Being charming ---but only superficially.
-Living by the pleasure principle.
-Showing disregard for societal norms.
-Having intense eyes.
The man is either sick or non-human. He does not react like a normal human being.
Consider this from the article:
"Sociopaths can be very charismatic and friendly -- because they know it will help them get what they want. "They are expert con artists and always have a secret agenda," Rosenberg said. "People are so amazed when they find that someone is a sociopath because they're so amazingly effective at blending in. They're masters of disguise. Their main tool to keep them from being discovered is a creation of an outer personality."

As M.E. Thomas described in a post for Psychology Today: "You would like me if you met me. I have the kind of smile that is common among television show characters and rare in real life, perfect in its sparkly teeth dimensions and ability to express pleasant invitation."

Reading that gives me the willies...how about you?

No emotions. Cold. Calculating. He doesn't even know that he lost. He is unaware that he has been rejected. He acts as if it is business as usual while the entire Democratic Party is wishing for a moving van out in front of the White House.

In my coaching career, I lost a lot of games. I know how it feels. I know how it makes you react. He has destroyed his party. His friends are running for cover, but he acts as if he has just won.

Sociopaths are dangerous. Some famous sociopaths in recent history include Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and John Wayne Gazy.

You laugh at me. You ridicule what I say because I compare him to serial killers. Go ahead. Laugh. He displays all of the characteristics of the above mentioned goons. They were charismatic and likeable.

What kind of man plays golf after a young man's head is chopped off? What kind of man disappears for hours while some of his "employees" are being killed overseas? What kind of man permits a deadly disease to be freely introduced into a society? What kind of man acts as if he won when the whole world watched him lose? What kind of man believes his own lies?

President Obama is either sick or demon possessed. Red flags are everywhere we look. Will his own party stop him? Will anyone stop him? President Obama is a sick, dangerous man.

I just thought someone needed to point that out.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

GOP WIN: People Have Spoken Clearly, Will Politicians Listen

GOP WIN: People Have Spoken Clearly, Will Politicians Listen

by Allan Erickson 

Well, the people have spoken, and the messages are clear: we don’t like Obama’s policies, we reject the Democrat agenda of big government, a bad economy, weak foreign policy and the politics of anger and division, and, although we are disappointed with Republicans as well, we hope they will turn the tide and work to solve problems in practical, common sense ways.

This is being called a wave election.  Republicans took control of the Senate.  They now hold 32 governorships, and they extended their presence in the House of Representatives. It would appear voters want what conservatives have offered all along:  limited government, fiscal sanity, economic freedom, personal liberty, strong foreign policy, and common sense domestic policies.

In other words, folks appear to be finished with Obama’s radical, secular progressive agenda, one that has failed monumentally on every front.

The challenge now is for Republicans to step up.
We hope Rand Paul and John McCain bury the hatchet.  We trust Republicans will stop the infighting.  Our deepest hope is Republicans and conservatives and Tea Party folks come together and agree on the two-fold brilliance of the Reagan approach:

Polling shows us clearly the American people want solutions.  They want progress.  They want prosperity and security.  They want a government working for them, finally!  Here are their top concerns:

Number one: it’s the economy, hands down.  The party that deals with ObamaCare, reins in regulation, approves the Keystone Pipeline, reduces taxation, and opens opportunity so that jobs are created and prosperity flourishes, that is the party that will take the White House in 2016.

Number two:  security.  Whether it is terrorism, Ebola, foreign threats, ISIS or the border and related immigration issues, the American people are frustrated with a government that cannot seem to do anything.  The party that enhances security, addresses real threats in realistic ways, succeeds in defeating our enemies, and provides real border security is the party that will take the White House in 2016 and take control of Congress (or retain it).

Number three: the size of government, government spending, government debt, inefficient federal bureaucracy, and corruption in government.   Obviously these are monster problems that will not be solved in the next two years. However, the party that presents a clear message articulating a real set of solutions will be the party that earns the confidence of the majority of voters.

The Republicans have been handed a golden opportunity this election.  Citizens have been clear.  It is now time for Republicans to be clear, unified, consistent and effective, reaching out to those Democrats who are likewise ready to put country before party.  If that involves the President, all the better, but don’t hold your breath. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

You Are Not Your Brother's Keeper, According to the Bible

You Are Not Your Brother's Keeper, According to the Bible

By Gary North

For over 100 years, theological liberals, who in most cases are also political liberals, have used this famous passage in the fourth chapter of the book of Genesis to justify the idea that individuals are responsible for the health and welfare of other individuals, and then, taking it a step further, they conclude that the state is responsible for the health and welfare of people in need.

On the surface of it, the text offers not the slightest hint of any such interpretation. Let us consider the setting. Cain has killed Abel. God then cross-examines him, knowing full well exactly what he has done. Cain, being an incomparable fool, thinks he can fool God. So, he asked a rhetorical question in response to God's very specific question, namely, "Where is your brother?" Cain answered rhetorically: "Am I my brother's keeper?" The issue here was not economic welfare; the issue here was the location of Abel's body.

Cain knew exactly where that body was. So did God. God was simply making a point: He cross-examines individuals before He condemns them. He investigates the facts before He renders judgment. In this case, Cain was about to come under historical judgment. But he thought that he might deflect this, at least for a time, by playing the fool. After all, he implicitly argued, there was no good reason why he should know where Abel was. He was not in charge of Abel. He was not, in other words, Abel's keeper.

The implication of this rhetorical response is this: people who are legally responsible for the affairs of other people are the equivalent of caretakers in an asylum for the mentally disabled. They have control over the inmates, because the inmates are incapable of taking care of themselves. The caretakers supervise the daily activities of the inmates. They make certain that the inmates do not stray far from their cells. In other words, they exercise physical and emotional control over those people whose relatives are no longer willing to exercise responsibility, and who have transferred this legal responsibility to professionals.
Cain was quite correct. He was not a caretaker of any kind. He was a murderer. No one had entrusted the life of his brother into his hands. To the extent that a caretaker over a group of inmates exercises control over their activities, to that extent Cain's characterization of a keeper was accurate. To the extent that the incarcerated has almost no authority over his activities, Cain's assessment was correct. He was not his brother's caretaker.

The concept of keeper in this case is descriptive of the implications of the welfare state. When theological liberals and their political allies designate somebody who needs economic assistance as someone who ought to be locked up, controlled, and managed for his own good, as if the person were a mental defective, they can legitimately appeal correctly to Cain's concept of a keeper. But this is not what the defenders of the Social Gospel and the welfare state ever say explicitly. They invoke the language of the King James Version of the Bible, with a strong accent on economic responsibility, but they neglect the more fundamental aspect of that passage, namely, the judicial responsibility of caretakers to control the activities of those who have been placed under their authority.

When we think of the biblical concept of a keeper, we should have in mind someone who serves as a gamekeeper in a zoo. He keeps those under his authority under tight observation and control. They have to have someone who intervenes on their behalf. They are not capable of making their own decisions. But the theological and political liberals who invoke this passage as a justification of the welfare state prefer that we not think of the setting of the original verbal exchange. They do not want us to think clearly about the nature of economic responsibility, judicial authority, and the absence of freedom in the lives of those who are being kept by professional keepers.

So, they try to create enormous guilt on the part of Christians specifically, and also the general public, by invoking the phrase, "my brother's keeper." It is good politics, but it is rotten exegesis. It creates a sense of guilt, where no sense of guilt should be operative at all. It creates a willingness on the part of individuals to write checks of their own, and when the checks are insufficient to place a sufficient number of people under their care, they call upon the civil government to write checks. They see that these poor people need help, but they do not see that the judicial context of the original passage had to do, not simply with help, but with judicial incapacity on the part of those being supervised.

Cain said he did not know where his brother was. His brother was an independent person. Cain was not his caretaker. Cain was not his supervisor. Cain, in short, was not his keeper.
If you get the idea that I think that theological liberals who defend the social gospel are manipulators of the public, you get the idea. They will twist the Bible in order to promote a concept of the welfare state which does not exist in any text, Old Testament or New Testament. There is simply no biblical justification for the welfare state. I wrote 31 volumes of exegesis to prove this point. But the guilt manipulation goes on, because liberals want to get their hands in other people's wallets, and they use guilt manipulation as their primary means of achieving their goal.

Anyone who cites this passage as a defense of the welfare state is either a theological ignoramus or highly skilled guilt manipulator. In either case, you would be wise to ignore him.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Small Business for Sale - Owner Confidential

Franchise Sale - Owner Confidential

Cincinnati, Ohio Metro Area

A Profitable Business You Can Be Proud Of!

A franchise model is designed to do two things: Service the customer and make the owners money. It's that simple. Our customers are seniors, busy families and small business owners that cannot or choose not to do what our services provide. We have developed the trust with our existing client base which has resulted in ongoing repeat business.  Our owners focus on managing the business and ensuring unique, individual customers’ needs are met. If you answer yes to one or more of these questions, we must talk.
  • -     Are you a business professional who believes your customers deserve a trusted service provider who delivers on their promise?
  • -        Are you tired of working long hours for someone else and building their wealth?
  • -        Have you recently left your big corporate job, but are not ready to retire?
  • -        Are you ready to make the money you know you are worth?
  • -        Are you ready to build your own personal wealth?
  • -        Do you enjoy creating customized solutions which will consistently please your customers?
  • -    Are you ready to put your ideas and strategies into place instead of the "Bosses"?

The owner and the franchise will personally guide you every step of the way to become a successful franchise owner. Start the qualification process today!
What's in it for you:
  • Turnkey business - launch in weeks!
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  • Low Start-Up Costs
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Typical franchise owner:
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Franchise Owner

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Rich Whitaker
Franchise Owner

Franchise Summary:
The largest services franchise company in North America, with system wide sales approaching $250 million. There are over 360 locations in the US and Canada, and the Pennsylvania based company plans to have 550 locations operating by the end of 2016. The painting service industry is a large one, at over $40 billion annually, and what makes our franchise unique in the  service category, is the fact that their owners drive revenue from both residential (B2C) and commercial (B2B) clients. Business owners scale by adding sales people for both residential and commercial sales, and most of the owners use subcontractors to produce the work - keeping overhead low.- Industry Leader- Low employee model- Strong Item 19 (ask to see it)- Great Validation (Our franchise is ranked #1 in the Home Service category for overall franchisee satisfaction by Franchise Business Review and #94 in Entrepreneur Magazine's Top 500 Franchises)

To be initially qualified, interested parties must:

  • -        Pre-approved for a business loan or cash: capital requirement $100K
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 If you are interested, please contact:
Bill McAdory: Consultant, On behalf of Owner
Mobile:            513-703-5355
email:              billmcadory@earthlink.net
