Thursday, June 26, 2014

How the Obama administration turn their own scandals into Republican conspiracy theories.

How the Obama administration turn their own scandals into Republican conspiracy theories.

As scandals grow to become the norm throughout the Obama administration, his handling of these events also develops a common formula, a checklist of controversy diffusion and blame shifting to Republicans for creating a conspiracy. There are six steps:
  1. Feign ignorance: Remember the IRS Scandal, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, AP phone records, Obamacare failures and lies and the VA scandal? The President claimed he learned about these issues from newspaper reports. As if the president is just some normal Joe, sans a staff of advisers feeding him up-to-the-minute information regularly.  This is part and parcel to the planning process before the event happens.
  2. Feign anger: Upon the president allegedly learning of a scandal, he then proceeds to profess his shock and anger about the issue. Even as news reports show that he knew about the issue for a long time his public rhetoric is designed to call them into question.  The President lie on public television?  Oh! No!
  3. Feign responsibility: The president will feign the act of falling on his own sword, repeatedly stating that the buck stops with him.  This while no one is supposed to notice he is doing nothing and firing no one.
  4. Delay & Distraction: Obama will profess his interest in working with investigators and the Republican leaders on these matters. However, after a sizable amount of unnecessary obfuscation, withholding of information and stonewalling by the president and his staff, nothing happens. No one pays and no one loses his or her job. Eventually, a few people announce their “retirement” and a few people take paid administrative leave at most.  Usually, he manufactures an event that enables the friendly MSM to change focus and distract.
  5. Dismiss: After waiting a period of time for things to blow over, even while questions are still being raised regarding the lack of progress in an investigation, the president pronounces the whole thing to be a partisan and “phony scandal.” This allows the administration to dismiss, mock, marginalize the issue, and allow the president get back to his golf game.
  6. The Right Wing Conspiracy Theory:  Then the talking points are sent out to the Democrat talking heads that lay the whole thing at the feat of the Conservatives and GOP: "...this is nothing but a right wing conspiracy theory and a waste of the public's time....."

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